There is a problem with the label because "pop" and "popular" are not interchangeable. By definition, they aren't the same. Cats act like you can just swap the words don't work like that.
And "Black Beatles" and "Bad & Boujee", despite being popular, aren't pop. "Wu-Tang Forever" went 4x plat....nobody was calling it pop. Pop is "One Dance". Pop is not "Humble". Pop music is a genre, not just short for "popular music".
"One Dance" is pop the same way No Doubt's "Hey Baby" is...they are both popular songs that involve Dancehall.
"Humble" is pop as well. Pop isnt a sound, its a category for widespread music. You cant create a pop song. It has to become one. There are plenty of songs that sound like Rihanna, Justin Timberlake...etc. but only have 100 plays on soundcloud. They are not pop songs.
It was the Bubblegum era of Max Martin that gave Boy Bands a "bubblegum sound" that people confuse with pop nowadays. Before that, the song just had to be popular.