34 ACT gang tapping in. Most folks are getting all kinds of ACT/SAT prep, tutors, studying, etc. I didn't even know schools offered prep courses until I got to college.
Plus even some black kids who did good the first time, you're encouraged to just sit on that number and not take the test again because you already "killed it" and "should be good anywhere". Other folks get taught to retake the exam regardless of what your first number was. Who knows if I would have done better or not retaking the exams, but nobody told me anything about having multiple chances at the exam and everyone was saying I was good after my first try. It is what it is.
Plus even some black kids who did good the first time, you're encouraged to just sit on that number and not take the test again because you already "killed it" and "should be good anywhere". Other folks get taught to retake the exam regardless of what your first number was. Who knows if I would have done better or not retaking the exams, but nobody told me anything about having multiple chances at the exam and everyone was saying I was good after my first try. It is what it is.