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When I was 19 I worked at Office Max and CVS, both part time, both minimum wage (was around $6.50 or something); I think I made about $350 every two weeks from Office Max and $120 or so every week at CVS.
Right now I work two jobs (one restaurant, one moving company) and I'm making about $650 per week (maybe $100-$150 in tips) between them, working 70+ hours a week.shyt ain't worth it, breh, but I just gotta save up some money to catch up on debts.
Yeah, right now I'm trying to make up for a lot of time I spent just spending money instead of investing and saving it. Like I know I'm going to need a new or used car soon because my current one has gotten old. Then I know I want to go back to school and I also want to get an apartment. So I'm trying to get my money up as quickly as possible.