Older black men dropped the ball, they're a damn disgrace


All Star
Jun 6, 2014
The sad thing is that this will linger on to the future gens. Single parenthood ain't going to help our community and kids come up thinking that single parenthood is the norm. Thereby ending up cyclical

Parents was teenage single parent, daughter also has kid and single parent.


Kae☭ernick Loyalist
Aug 3, 2015
it does strike a nerve as it should any self respecting black man:martin:

Respectable. I never accused you of being one however. I can see how someone of your political leanings would be sensitive to that.
Jan 26, 2015
Let's totally ignore our Black Queens who kicked us to the curb for feminism and welfare.

you really think the average downtrodden sister whom receives government chose to be so rather than stay with good blackmen whom provided for their family or the average feminist whom from my observations are some of th e of the more educated of bw are on welfare:stopitslime:
Jan 26, 2015
While I agree there is a lack of enough leadership or role models from the older generation of black males you got to understand they are a victims of the white power structure and alot of older blackmen(women too for that matter) were hit hard by the crack epidemic. in the 80s..this is when blackmen and the community really lost their way...by and large you right though....previous generations of blackmen have been failing their community since the 70s on a massive scale and are a reason for the destabilization in many black households today..sort of off topic but i i notice the most prominent serial black serial most of whom preyed on their owners started in the 80s around the time NWA was rapped about killing black women for fun among other self destructive :demonic: behavior


Dec 21, 2014
You have a point. Theres few bum ass middle aged nikkas in my family that still leech off of their elderly parents.

Hypes and shyt that never took care of the multiple kids they had but kept having em and placing their burdens on everyone else while they were in the streets drunk or high off that shyt.

I place some of the blame on their parents, my grand parents and great aunts too. They enabled that shyt, no way would I ever let a hype grown ass nikka leech off me just because they came out of my nuts. I understand life is tough and everybody has been through some shyt but you cant baby adults

My ma made that shyt abundantly clear to us that she wasn't taking care of no nikkas that could take care of themselves and my dad cheap as fukk. A nikka had to do to get the shyt I wanted. Hell I used to be out in the suburbs selling candy door to door when I was 14 because I wanted to look nice and as I got older I haven't not worked or found some way to make income. I don't even understand the concept of it

Op is 100% right, them ~50+ year old bum ass nikkas who didn't do shyt but get high, drunk, have kids they couldn't take care of are a huge part of the shyt that's wrong out here. I see that shyt within my own family and the toll it takes plus how their kids ( my cousins ) turned out

Yep 40 and 50 year old men, with SEVERAL children, living up under some woman in her section 8 apartment or in the back bedroom of their 80 year old parents homes. It both sad and pathetic.

exactly....we should be set up....even my parents tried to get me to follow the same tired ass blueprint that didnt work for them....thank god i have a brain
Like what? Some job at a plant or factory or something?

Let's totally ignore our Black Queens who kicked us to the curb for feminism and welfare.


May 30, 2013
Dona Nobis Pacem
What generation do they consider the young men who fought in Vietnam?

That set the stage for the inner-city woman's "independence" and the War On Drugs imo
The Vietnam vets are in their 60s+ right now and a lot of them DID leave their families. But it's two fold... The stupid azz sexual revolution opened women in the 60s and 70s to premarital sex WITHOUT ACCESS TO GOOD BIRTH CONTROL. So a lot of these people they fathered were from one night stands. Before the "sexual revolution" men and women were expected to get married because they knew that fuccin = babies and they didn't want to shame their families. The 60s sexual revolution ruined a lot of families but poorer people who couldn't COVER it up (abortions, secret adoptions) bore the brunt of the shame. But NO WHERE does the past generations bullshyt excuse TODAYS bullshyt.

More Black babies aborted than born WITH CONDOMS readily available?

IG thots?

Massive fakkitry and DL lifestyles?

Massive hate men to women and vice versa.

No mature man should be comfortable treating a woman like a mattress and vice versa.

People just need to get some respect for themselves.

You can't HAVE everything that you want and you can't fucc EVERYONE that you meet.

Lack of discipline and restraint and the dumbing down of people due to extensive narcotics use (including weed) are also responsible.

If a 60+ year old person started smoking weed at 18, guess what? THEY'RE STILL MENTALLY 18.

That's why the government is PUSHING weed to dumb down the population and get their slaves back.

It's an individual choice to be a slave or not.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
im not talking about our grand fathers age but these baby boomer and gen x nikkas r losers....I'm tired of seeing these nikkas out begging cacs for change everytime im on the strip.....im in my 20s and i got more discipline and self respect then these nikkas...I see them all bummy entertaining cacs and walking about with plastic bags looking like an extra out the video

these nikkas are suppose to be schooling us, setting the example....where are our black owned businesses? why r these young girls thots? where r the fathers? the community is broken, these nikkas were suppose to have all this shyt set up so the next gen could eat, but these old docile nikkas still wanna c00n and jigging....still begging for jobs n shyt...how u 52 working for cacs taking orders from cacs 21 years old...

in these retail and FF places i see lil miley cyrus looking bytches bossing some nikka that's 49 around, telling nikkas to go grab carts :scust:....shyt is embarrassing, wheres ya fukking pride...they smiling and dance for the white man, then when a young brother come up we get the fukking :dame: face....these nikkas lucky we don't kick they're ass...they deserve it. Ive actually had convos with old nikkas, and these nikkas talk about p*ssy like some HS kid...ur suppose to be dropping game

our men was to suppose set this shyt up, now us young men out here building from scratch. nikkas arent real men, abandoning their women, creating these single parent homes

Ever since Tupac Shakur died, there has been no code of conduct , or boundaries set. As a result, you have disfunctional black people along with dysfunctional black families who have abortions at record levels.

Which sets us back 30 years politically.

Again,if Tupac Shakur was here, this would not be taking case.


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
Yep 40 and 50 year old men, with SEVERAL children, living up under some woman in her section 8 apartment or in the back bedroom of their 80 year old parents homes. It both sad and pathetic.

Like what? Some job at a plant or factory or something?

a few years back after i graduated from college...I told them yo this job thing is bullshyt, and that I'm being mistreated because of race....this a is fools game, and that i want to start my own business and be a boss. my mom laughed at me and told me to look for a "good paying job and save for retirement" "all jobs are bad" "get used to it, i hate mines too" ....what type of stupid ass advice to somebody that's 24....so I'm suppose to get bossed around and take racist treatment for 45 years for a little retirement check that i can spend only when I'm to old to do even enjoy it?

they fukked us up....they should've taught us about white supremacy, family economics, ownership, group economics ....

my dad get it, but he isnt as passionate as he should be able the issue... he knows the game.... my mother is a wonderful person, i love her but hes very passive and docile...at her job, she knew grossly mistreated and racially abused but she worked there for 30 years out of fear...all she did was paid bills and struggle to survive...

what type of life is that? and how do u give somebody the same game plan?
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Sep 11, 2013
a few years back after i graduated from college...I told them yo this job thing is bullshyt, and that I'm being mistreated because of race....this a is fools game, and that i want to start my own business and be a boss. my mom laughed at me and told me to look for a "good paying job and save for retirement" "all jobs are bad" "get used to it, i hate mines too" ....what type of stupid ass advice to somebody that's 24....so I'm suppose to get bossed around and take racist treatment for 45 years for a little retirement check that i can spend only when I'm to old to do even enjoy it?

they fukked us up....they should've taught us about white supremacy, family economics, ownership, group economics ....

my dad get it, but he isnt as passionate as he should be able the issue... he knows the race .... my mother is a wonderful person, i love her but hes very passive and docile...at her job, she knew grossly mistreated and racially abused but she worked there for 30 years out of fear...all she did was paid bills and struggle to survive...

what type of life is that? and how do u give somebody the same game plan?
:francis: disheartening

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
The Vietnam vets are in their 60s+ right now and a lot of them DID leave their families. But it's two fold... The stupid azz sexual revolution opened women in the 60s and 70s to premarital sex WITHOUT ACCESS TO GOOD BIRTH CONTROL. So a lot of these people they fathered were from one night stands. Before the "sexual revolution" men and women were expected to get married because they knew that fuccin = babies and they didn't want to shame their families. The 60s sexual revolution ruined a lot of families but poorer people who couldn't COVER it up (abortions, secret adoptions) bore the brunt of the shame. But NO WHERE does the past generations bullshyt excuse TODAYS bullshyt.

More Black babies aborted than born WITH CONDOMS readily available?

IG thots?

Massive fakkitry and DL lifestyles?

Massive hate men to women and vice versa.

No mature man should be comfortable treating a woman like a mattress and vice versa.

People just need to get some respect for themselves.

You can't HAVE everything that you want and you can't fucc EVERYONE that you meet.

Lack of discipline and restraint and the dumbing down of people due to extensive narcotics use (including weed) are also responsible.

If a 60+ year old person started smoking weed at 18, guess what? THEY'RE STILL MENTALLY 18.

That's why the government is PUSHING weed to dumb down the population and get their slaves back.

It's an individual choice to be a slave or not.
I agree with all this. And I get feeling you thought I was pointing fingers at the veterans but I wasn't really I was pointing at the dependence they gained for morphine plus PTSD brought them back home in a fukked up state which is how/why they wasn't around their families. They either were junkies or some couldn't hold down a job from medical shyt and left out of shame.


May 30, 2013
Dona Nobis Pacem
I agree with all this. And I get feeling you thought I was pointing fingers at the veterans but I wasn't really I was pointing at the dependence they gained for morphine plus PTSD brought them back home in a fukked up state which is how/why they wasn't around their families. They either were junkies or some couldn't hold down a job from medical shyt and left out of shame.
No I don't think you were attacking veterans at all. I was just adding emphasis to the extreme amounts of unprotected sex leading to unplanned babies and numerous abortions.

I think that drugs and wars took a huge toll on the Black community.

I also want to point out that "social services" that offered food/housing/financial assistance from the US government FORCED fathers out of their homes. Because families could NOT receive this assistance of the father was in the home.

The govt did this shyt on purpose to destabilize Black families.

After the Great Migration up north, if a Black family was struggling the father had to choose: STAY and let his family starve/freeze to death or LEAVE and let them receive benefits?

This predated Vietnam, but followed share cropping.

White supremacy/racism has destroyed a LOT of individuals and that's what we're seeing.

People who have simply given up.

The other thing we see is that people are CHOOSING to live a demonic lifestyle.

There's no reason that more Black babies are aborted than born.... None....

There's no reason that men and women are creating babies when all they both wanted was just a nut OR only ONE of them wanted a baby and NOT the other.

I'm not preaching, but it just takes one person at a time to declare that they're NOT going to live that lifestyle.

Just like the brother who posted that he will NOT be a corporate slave for 45+ years.

That's brilliant.

Each person standing up for what's right shines a light in this demonic society that's trying to destroy our people.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
it does strike a nerve as it should any self respecting black man:martin:

Stop passing the buck.

It's not only the older generation of black men who dropped the ball. Indeed, they were the generation that set the stage;however, the preceding generation,which is OUR generation,decided to perpetuate the self destructive behavior patterns displayed either by the older black man, or by the music, or by the television. Instead of switching it up,after learning from the older generation.We decided to continue the cycle of ignorance and generational poverty. At some point, we have to stop passing the buck,and start becoming solution-oriented rather than ignoring problems, or blaming our predecessors which is a cop out that cowards who are afraid of responsibility use.