She's doing that in the most realistic way possible but unfortunately some nikkas rather shyt go nowhere so long as it's black only.
With this majority conservative Supreme Court and the amount of white people ready to block any legislation labeled specifically for black people, they still made it to where at least the majority of the funds went to black farmers.
Like I said before it seems like some nikkas wouldve preferred that bill die on the "black only" hill and those farmers get nothing.
I bet every last one of those black farmers didn't give a fukk if few of the funds went to non blacks because in the end they still got the majority of it.
Do you actually have any proof that black farmers got the majority of the money? Because from what I remember reading,that was never going to be the case. Even before the lawsuits latinos wouldve recieved most of the money. Aftet the lawsuits most of the money is going white farmers.
Lets just cut to the chase,most of that money was going back to the European regardless. The problem is,yall see these cute headlines and get happy feet. When you need to look closer at the details. Those black farmers are in debt due to racist/discriminatory policy. Which the govt admits by nature of approving the payout.
You do understand when you are in debt,it means you owe money to the bank for loans. And you owe money to people who allowed you to get by putting it on your tab/credit(probably non black). Sorry but I dont think helping black farmers basicslly pay off debt is good enough. Do yall not understand they are now behind,because they couldnt build or invest due to discrimination policy and intrest accrued debt? Plus now your helping the white farmers who fell behind due to covid,and im not sure what other white people would be available. So sure,you helped black farmers stay in the game,although behind. While also helping their competetion,who was already ahead stay ahead.
Im fine with all americans being helped by the way. But those who are behind due to being held back,need to be helped to an equal starting point.