Oh Snap: Killer Instinct Xbox One comes 3 ways, and all 3 will make 3cepts FURIOUS!!!

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
It could be multi-platform and I would say the same. You get 6 at launch (20, or 40) and 2 more in February. Then you got season 2 (probably another 20) and who knows how many they'll add and if it'll be split like season 1.

That's a long wait and me personally would be bored with the game before Feb.

Now if you get the $40 package and if season 2 is $20 then you'll end up paying $60 for a game that you have to wait months to play with/against everybody.

I'd rather just have the complete game upfront. I don't care that much for F2P fighters
The game is free (Jago)
For $20 you get 8characters, two of them not until February. Included in the $20 still (season 1)
Next "season" will be called season 2 which will have another 8
How often? Not confirmed. Maybe 3months, maybe 9months between. They made it clear they wanted to add characters slowly and continuously over the YEARS :whew:
But I'm not gonna waste another second with a troll. Have fun NOT PLAYING ANYTHING, PS Exclusive :blessed:
anytime breh. I was waiting for an opportunity to play this again.
I had it for like 3mnths. But it was on my boy's account. I forgot he downloaded it here first :heh:
I also had Defiance on my HDD taking up like 15gb n shyt. Now my HDD can breathe...

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
Don't know where you got February from. But let me point out your hypocrisy.
EDIT 2: 6 at launch. 2 more by Feb. Then next year they will have "season 2" which will be another cast of characters. Then there will be a season 3 & 4 but it wasn't clear on how often they will change seasons. I'm guessing every 3months 8 new characters will be revealed for $20, can't hate on that.
But I'm sure they will try :lolbron:

You say you'd get bored with 8 characters within a year but here you are talking about a game that released 5 years ago, and was only a marginal upgrade to a game released over 10 years ago. And if you'd rather have the full game up front, just wait till next year to buy it. Those that want to jump in early and be a part of the dev process can do so for a very reasonable price. Now how is this a bad thing again?

Sony stans just hate for the fukk of it:wow:

The last time I played Street Fighter 4 was year a year and a half ago, and that was just me going over someone's crib and getting a few matches in. So no I never got bored with the game.

this quote has gotten me interested in getting Ultra however
Ayano emphasized in the interview that players can expect major changes to game balance with Ultra Street Fighter 4. "We plan to change it a great deal," he said. "We've gotten lots of fan feedback about battle balance, and generally you can divide it into two trends: 'Keep it as it is,' and 'I want it all changed out'. So with this project, we decided to make it a big update, a really 'new SF4' in a way. When I say 'change,' though, I don't mean we're redoing combos or the whole structure as it exists now. What we're looking to do is get rid of the differences in character abilities that have established themselves throughout the series. I realize that some people are looking for new additions to the battle system, too-this is 'Ultra,' after all, so I'd like to do what we can in that way." Will Ultra SF4 get updates of its own? Definitely, says Ayano: "I think the battle balance in a fighting game is something that needs to be constantly changing. This is just my personal opinion, but I like to see updates happen at just the right time to retain a sense of constant motion within the game mechanics. I'm sure I'll get feedback from gamers once Ultra IV is out for a while, and I want to use that feedback as much as I can to raise and nurture the game." Ultra SFIV is due out next year in arcades, in DLC form, and as a standalone package. "Like the 'Ultra' name shows," Ayano closed, "we're aiming for updates that go beyond just adding new characters. For us, new characters are just the bare minimum of new features to add."
seeing how they just aren't adding fighters but focusing on balancing the game so that people don't have to rely on the same characters to win online (I never been that type) looks like a step in the right direction and can added to the longevity of the game more than just adding characters every few months


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
seeing how they just aren't adding fighters but focusing on balancing the game so that people don't have to rely on the same characters to win online (I never been that type) looks like a step in the right direction and can added to the longevity of the game more than just adding characters every few months

Well if that's the case you should be looking forward to KI. Because they have been very forward with the fact that they will be continually tweaking and upgrading the game using the input of the people playing it.


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
Nope not mad at all :laugh:

The original dropped for $60 retail :yeshrug:, but that doesn't change the fact that the upcoming title is $40 (disc), and $15(dlc) which includes more characters and more likely more balanced gameplay (KI never seemed all that balanced to me)

You tend to get a lot of value when you wait for the 5th revision of a game.

Makes no sense to compare them when you look at the entire picture.


Jul 29, 2013




May 4, 2012
You should get your facts straight, jailbreakers have been eating off of PSN for YEARS. Sony has done almost nothing to stop it. What they did do was seldomly post an update that would require jailbreakers to wait a few days til a new hack was created. What happened now is the jailbreakers got the code to the consoles core. So any update is above the actual hack in the system. Thus making updates useless on PS3, and its been that way since October :wow:
You said you having fun, this must be you then

Get GTA5 on PS3 Brehz :shaq:

Its nice to see you didn't read the first post of this thread or peep the video, maybe you should do that then try again.
There won't be a new "version" thats what companies do to rip your dumbass off.
The plan is for them to just "update" the game like every company now "could" do
Games like 2K and Madden have patches weekly that make it look and play different THIS GEN
Why couldn't that be applied to all games and remove the need to make a new version each year?
This is how free-to-play works, and all games will work like that NEXT GEN. Just not at launch.
But by the end of the gen, more will be that way than not. I wouldn't of bought KI for $60, not a launch
Now I get it free... I would pay $20, and I'm gonna pay $40 because K.I.1 arcade version = :gladbron:
If its a good game, i'lll have no issue spending another $20 in 6months. Don't you see the genius in this on there part?

They are revealing one character a month, but its a done deal on Orchid already. I seen the same article with them talking about it, but I wouldn't need to see that to know she's one of them. K.I only has like 12 characters in the series
Everyone from the previous games will be in this, just not all at launch. Orchid, Spinal, Fulgore, Cinder. Hollaback

Then why are you paying so close attention to this game if you wasn't interested :ufdup:

Yeah, cuz $20 is LITERALLY nickel and diming us :blessed:
While you stay getting Dime & Dubbed ($10-$20 even $30 for an update with 4characters aka SF/MK/etc)

Who cares. Dont run into glitchers enough to give a fukk.


PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
And you know what, IMO I stopped "loving" fighting games once they started having too many characters.
Its like all coming back to me now. Games were simple. Actually they was hard as fukk but it was based on twitch gameplay. NES style games that we don't even like today. Once they got more complex, I'll use Tekken as the example.
Tekken everyone loved. Tekken 2 came out and it was the new King. All the characters tho was like :ahh:
Tekken 3 came out, everyone had new moves. It was more of the same, but more than that :noah:
Then every other game wanted to match or surpass it with characters. More and more fighters dropped.
You can't learn 30 characters in 5 different fighting games and have a life. So I now stick to my favorite 5 in games and try to keep up. The hardcore youngins out there, they got time for all that shyt, so it makes an older head not even wanna deal with it like that. I got warmer feelings inside looking at the screens you posted than I would a current gen fighters screen. I want that old thing back!!! I know K.I. I'll learn the characters, and so will everyone else who plays it.
What does that mean? More meaningful matches because the average user will know the characters..

Who cares. Dont run into glitchers enough to give a fukk.

1.) How would you know if you ran into a hacker? Do they have to be supermanning all around the level or something?
With your attitude, you wouldn't even be looking for it, you'd just take your L and keep it moving. But there are too many videos posted every day for it to be isolated :ufdup:

2.) Oh crackface, I'm sure your fellow 3cepts have already gone :snoop: as soon as you posted a video.
You gotta realize bruh, I'm a professional at this. My video was posted a month ago from a game that been out for two months? Halo been out for a year or so and whats the status on your video?: I'll check right now.

(In the interest of time....)

Ok, your video was "Published on Dec 29, 2012"
Then the 2nd or 3rd reply exposes it as not even REAL :wow:
99Assassinator99 1 month ago

Although the video was awesome I noticed 2 things first when it became red vs blue he was the only one on his team so I think this was staged and secondly how was he talking to the other team when playing red vs blue?
At the end of the video it has a kid talking about "Your recording this aren't you" :rudy:
So your bogus god mode videos is the best you can come up with :heh:
And if somebody was doing that, you make a complaint and that person gets delt wit
On Waitstation? Thats a demonic console so they have Devil Mode

Peep the date its posted, then realize that is what you have to face RIGHT NOW :whew:

Get GTA5 on PS3 brehz :shaq:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
What is the deal with you guys listing all of these old games? Yeah they had a smaller roster cause they had more restraints for how much they could put in.
He's showing how a ton of characters is not a "must have"
Tell me, those games. Were they not good games? Gams peak, and for fighting games?
Usually part 2 is the peak. Tekken 2 ehhh I'll give Tekken 3 the nod
SF2 is the pinnacle, I hated every MK game after 2 until this most recent one dropped.
Samurai Showdown II
Marvel vs Capcom 2
DOA probably peaked at 4, but before that 2. And thats debatable because DOA2 was goat. DOA4 is better but wasn't played as much by the masses

Anywayz, if the game is fun. How can you hate on it before you even played it :wtf:

Tell us why :umad:


All Star
May 29, 2012
My fav street Fighter is Super street fighter 2 (16 Characters)
MK-ultimate mortal kombat 3 (22)
Marvel vs capcom - MVC 1 (15)
Super Smash Bros- Super Smash Bros 1 (12)

With the exception of MK some of the best fighting games to me have 16 or less characters, but none as low as 8. I do seem to lose interest in Fighters as they add more and more Characters, so I think once season two comes out 16 will be good, but for $20 8 is pretty damn good, I do think the 6 at launch is kinda low tho, I think 8 is a good number to start, and I hope that it doesnt take long to add the other two.

As far as y'all whiners trying to shyt on a game just because you can't play it, it's understandable. If you want to play a fighter on a next gen console then Xbox is the only option, and y'all just :umad: but you can't turn this into an L no matter how you try to spin it. Also I played the game and it's not shyt, so keep talking about how its :trash: but you wont find a person out there who has played that agrees with you, and that says a lot. :whoo: we all know nikkas love to hate on the internet, but yet nobody is hating on the gameplay :lupe:

Universally loved by those who have experienced it :blessed: :whew:


All Star
May 29, 2012
Watch the twitch live stream, and they are gonna include some wacky skins for the $40
They are planning to add extra ultras after launch.
Choice of announcers.

I might get the $40 version


Staff member
May 1, 2012
The game is releasing with 6 or 8 characters and without a story mode.

So when was the One really suppose to drop? They can't even finish the games before the system comes out :snoop: