Oh shyt, so they have "Scandal" Viewing Parties now? (photos included)


May 1, 2012
You really thought you were typing something smart here and failed miserably. All you did was provedw that you cannot keep up in an academic argument without having information spoon fed to you. Exactly which part of pre-colonial Africa would any knowledgable person be talking about if they were referring to Africans of slave descent taking on European systems of class/hierarchy? Eastern? Like the only ones you've ever heard of and the first one you mentioned? :heh:
You're talking a lot but not saying anything. Talk about wing knowledgable, well any knowledgable person understands that "western Africa" wasn't just one society either. This is why I keep reminding you that Africa is a continent. You're talking as if Africa is a gotdamn city. As if eastern Africa was one society, western Africa was another society, ect. You sound extremely ignorant as if you haven't a clue as to what the fukk you're talking about. There were numerous different tribes, kingdoms, and socities in pre-colonial western Africa. Societies could differ from tribe to tribe. Saying that all of pre colonial western Africa was non "patriarchal" or not male dominated until the Europeans came is something that you can't prove because it's simply untrue.

You clearly don't because if you did while at the same time having any knowledge whatsoever of what pre-colonial WESTERN AFRICA was like you would never fix your fingers to type such nonsense. But please, go on. Tell me how and show me evidence that they were "male dominated".
The onus to show proof is on you since you're the one who's making the claim that western Africa was not male dominated until the white man came. Where is your proof of this? You don't even understand that there were different societies in western Africa. Why should I evidence against something that you have yet to prove? If you want a lesson then you'll have to ask for it, nicely. I know exactly whatbim talking about. I could give you examples of male dominated pre colonial western African empires ad explain to you the kind of power women had and contrast it to the power(or lack thereof) that their European female counterparts. The argument that Africa(as a whole, you don't even have to limit it to western Africa) was miles ahead of Europe as far as gender relations and women's rights overall is completely valid, I agree. The argument that western Africa was completey non male dominated or "egalitarian" until the white man came is false. You're being dishonest.

You know you are losing an argument when you have to talk about "degrees" of the term that we are focusing on. Tell me what "degree of patriarchy" pre-colonial WESTERN AFRICA had when women had rights and access to all the same things that men did?
I talk about degrees regarding "patriarchy" because it's important to keep things in proper context or perspective. There are degrees to everything. Western society is still patriarchal, but it's not patriarchal to the degree that it was 100 years ago because women have gained rights during that time. This is common sense. Again, women in the west have every right that men have now, but that doesn't mean that we don't live in a (white male)patriarchal society. While I don't agree that all women in pre colonial western Africa had all the powers that men had, I have no problem admitting the truth which is that women in pre colonial Africa were able to attain power, especially in contrast to females in Europe of the same time. Some women were able to attain the ultimate power and equal to the king. That does not change the fact that societies in pre colonial western Africa for the most part were male dominated to one extent or another. If you want a lesson on the level or extent of the male domination then you'll have to be specific as to which society in pre colonial western Africa you're talking about.

You know there isn't. Because if there was you would have posted it by now.
:snoop: I'll post my evidence when you post yours. You're not going to post any evidence that pre colonial western Africa(1/4 of the biggest gotdamn continent on earth) was not male dominated because there's too much evidence to the contrary. I could see if you said that some societies in pre colonial western Africa were not dominated by men, but to say that no societies in pre colonial Western Africa were male dominated until the Europeans came? That's that black feminist bullshyt. You witches are so disloyal, always trying to use your wannabe white daddy to put the black man down.

You are all over the place. Monotheism =/= patriarchy.
Monotheism is the belief in one and only one God or divine deity. Name the monotheistic African societies that worshipped a female Goddess.

Once again you are making things up to suit your view of the world (the one white men taught you is the only way to live and you accepted because you view him as a father/savior figure). Men did not "own" women in any sense of the imagination in these societies. You might be referring to poorer women working as servants in the home of richer families, but then again that was not something that was exclusive to women. Any poor male or female could feel compelled to offer their labor to a wealthy household and thus make a come up. You have once again proved you have no idea of what you are talking about and are going purely off of wishful thinking. You WISH African men "owned" and "dominated" pre-colonial African women because that is the only form of existence that you have been taught can happen between man and woman without negative effects on the man's esteem. And then you wonder why there is a rift between Black men and Black women.
Are you really me accusing me of making up the existence of polygamy in pre colonial western Africa? Are you really this ignorant? Talk about having low self esteem:pachaha: What I said is exactly true, a man could have as many wives as he could afford. A man's wife was his property. Men sometimes pimped or rented some of their wives out to other men on "loan". I'm not making any of this up. Go read a fukking book.

So let me get this straight, you call the Africans sold Africans argument a "smoke screen by crackers" and then go on to ask me to name the African queens who sold African people? :what: You are terrible at this.
I say that it's a smokescreen because it's a half truth used to deflect from their responsibility for slavery. My point was that there were kings in charge of the tribes that the crackers "bought" the slaves from. You're having trouble keeping up.

:heh: @ the bolded. Thank you for admitting you are attempting to redefine the word just to hold onto this pathetic idea of masculinity that white men fed to you and that you now worship as if it is the only way of life.
Give your white daddy's dikk a rest. He has nothing to do with this conversation as you're only using him to try and hurt my ego. It's sad, stop it.

I haven't redefined anything. I've already schooled you on the concept of degrees. I'll repeat my example. Women in western society have all of rhe rights that men have yet it's still patriarchal. Current western society is patriarchal but not to the degree that it was 100 years ago. Most societies in pre colonial Africa were make dominated but not to the degree that societies in Europe were male dominated. Do you have basic common sense?

Once again proving you are lost in this debate. Most feminists, particularly white ones with an agenda, say the exact opposite of what I am saying. White feminists would have us believe that all men are inherently as bloodthirsty and hateful towards women as white men have been to them. They would like Black women to believe that so that we would see no hope in creating a community that is not abusive towards Black women or views us as secondary in importance.[/quote]No, you've been listening to some black feminist, and you've taken a piece of some shyt that you've heard and ran with it. Again, you'd be cool if you just stuck with making the argument that some societies in Africa were non make dominated and women in Africa overall enjoyed more freedom and power than white women had in Europe. You've gone too far and what you're saying simply isn't true. Saying that no western African societies were male dominated until the Europeans came us simply untrue. You can keep repeating that "You learned patriarchy from the white man" bullshyt all you want, it won't make it true. You sound like your feelings have been hurt and you're trying to return the favor. Good luck with that.

In pre-colonial Africa, they weren't. That is simple, easily verifiable fact. Literally every piece of research points to this, including accounts by your own precious white daddies from that time period. It is part of the reason they called us (Black people, assuming you are Black) savages. Because surely a people who did not subjugate women the way they did must be inferior.
:snoop: Which society, kingdom, or empire in pre colonial Africa are you talking about? You keep throwing out these vague ass terms without being specific as to which people you're talking about you're talking about. Pre colonial Nigeria certainly consisted of male dominated societies of various degrees. Most of the tribes in pre colonial Ghana were make dominated too. Those are facts which are easily verifiable, and those 2 simple fact alone disprove your ignorant ass position. You can't be serious.


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
I've yet to watch an episode ... know the show has crazy ratings, but still just....... but I just found this interesting .....

.......an advertisement for the show in Houston showed this side by side... I was like :ohhh: .... the way they market to the psychology is so rich .. :wow:....


Apr 16, 2013
I've yet to watch an episode ... know the show has crazy ratings, but still just....... but I just found this interesting .....

.......an advertisement for the show in Houston showed this side by side... I was like :ohhh: .... the way they market to the psychology is so rich .. :wow:....

It's so blatant. And demonic. :sitdown:

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
I've yet to watch an episode ... know the show has crazy ratings, but still just....... but I just found this interesting .....

.......an advertisement for the show in Houston showed this side by side... I was like :ohhh: .... the way they market to the psychology is so rich .. :wow:....

:wow: you should make a seperate thread on this breh. :wow: