Oh shyt, so they have "Scandal" Viewing Parties now? (photos included)


May 1, 2012
Is this what I've reduced your ignorant argument to :pachaha: "B-b-b-but it wasn't all of them"? Obviously we are talking about the African-American experience and they descended from a particular part of Africa. From your mentioning of Egypt its clear you don't even know where that is so I'll also leave that to your research. But the fact of the matter is, THAT region was.not.patriarchal. Get as mad as you want to about it.
:snoop: Not too many things more frustrating than debating with a stupid motherfukker who thinks that he/she is smart. You don't even understand my argument to reduce it to anything. You don't even understand your own incoherent ass argument. In the initial post that I quoted you were speaking of Africa as a whole, as if it were one society. You made no declaration that you were only talking about a specific part of Africa. You're just copping out now that I've pointed out that there were numerous different societies in pre-colonial Africa and they didn't all operate under the same system. While there's evidence to suggest that some African socities were non "patriarchal"(which is why I brought up ancient Kemet/Egypt), there's no evidence to suggest that all of Africa was non "patriarchal". In fact the evidence proves the opposite. We know for a fact that most pre colonial African societies were "patriarchal" in a sense, meaning that they were male doninated. I know exactly what patriarchy means by the way. The reason that I'm putting the word in quotation marks is because there are different degrees of patriarchy. African societies may not have been patriarchal in the same sense that European societies were or patriarchies in the sense of how that term is defined today in our society, but they were male dominated. Seriously, there's so much evidence to disprove what you're saying. It's common sense. Again, do you understand what monotheism is? Do you understand that it goes hand in hand with patriarchy? You're claiming that most if not all of pre colonial Africa was non patriarchal, but where's your proof? You haven't posted 1 single shred of evidence to prove this claim. A man could have as many wives as he could afford to buy in many pre colonial African societies. Women were seen as a man's property in certain circumstances in many pre colonial African societies. You're flat out lying when you say that no men owned women back then. Even if you just want to talk about western Africa, men ruled. We've all heard the "Africans sold Africans" smoke screen that crackers use in an effort to absolve themselves of blame and responsibility for the Atlantic slave trade. Well who did they "buy" the people from? African kings right? Name the African queens who owned and sold people from that time period. :heh:You don't know what the fukk you're talking about. You can split hairs over whether pre colonial African societies were "patriarchies" in the exact true sense of the term, but there's no denying that men were dominant in African societies before he Europeans came.

IAgain, you have no idea what patriarchy is. I'm not even sure why you jumped into a conversation you clearly don't even know anything about. From where the majority of the slave trade happened/African-American lineage to the definition of patriarchy, you are simply lost. You actually think that the existence of male rulers = a patriarchy. Even after I explained it to you :dahell:
You have not said a a gotdamn thing in this post:pachaha: You're just babbling at this point. Again, where's the proof that most if not all of pre colonial Africa was non patriarchal meaning that they were non male dominated societies? You're parroting some shyt that you've/read some feminist say. You haven't even done any real research on your own. Yes, some women had power politically, economically, and spiritually in pre colonial Africa but that doesn't mean that a lot of women weren't being subjugated just for being women back then.


May 7, 2012
:snoop: Not too many things more frustrating than debating with a stupid motherfukker who thinks that he/she is smart. You don't even understand my argument to reduce it to anything. You don't even understand your own incoherent ass argument. In the initial post that I quoted you were speaking of Africa as a whole, as if it were one society. You made no declaration that you were only talking about a specific part of Africa. You're just copping out now that I've pointed out that there were numerous different societies in pre-colonial Africa and they didn't all operate under the same system. While there's evidence to suggest that some African socities were non "patriarchal"(which is why I brought up ancient Kemet/Egypt), there's no evidence to suggest that all of Africa was non "patriarchal". In fact the evidence proves the opposite. We know for a fact that most pre colonial African societies were "patriarchal" in a sense, meaning that they were male doninated. I know exactly what patriarchy means by the way. The reason that I'm putting the word in quotation marks is because there are different degrees of patriarchy. African societies may not have been patriarchal in the same sense that European societies were or patriarchies in the sense of how that term is defined today in our society, but they were male dominated. Seriously, there's so much evidence to disprove what you're saying. It's common sense. Again, do you understand what monotheism is? Do you understand that it goes hand in hand with patriarchy? You're claiming that most if not all of pre colonial Africa was non patriarchal, but where's your proof? You haven't posted 1 single shred of evidence to prove this claim. A man could have as many wives as he could afford to buy in many pre colonial African societies. Women were seen as a man's property in certain circumstances in many pre colonial African societies. You're flat out lying when you say that no men owned women back then. Even if you just want to talk about western Africa, men ruled. We've all heard the "Africans sold Africans" smoke screen that crackers use in an effort to absolve themselves of blame and responsibility for the Atlantic slave trade. Well who did they "buy" the people from? African kings right? Name the African queens who owned and sold people from that time period. :heh:You don't know what the fukk you're talking about. You can split hairs over whether pre colonial African societies were "patriarchies" in the exact true sense of the term, but there's no denying that men were dominant in African societies before he Europeans came.

You have not said a a gotdamn thing in this post:pachaha: You're just babbling at this point. Again, where's the proof that most if not all of pre colonial Africa was non patriarchal meaning that they were non male dominated societies? You're parroting some shyt that you've/read some feminist say. You haven't even done any real research on your own. Yes, some women had power politically, economically, and spiritually in pre colonial Africa but that doesn't mean that a lot of women weren't being subjugated just for being women back then.
waiting for rebuttal from @PartyHeart :popcorn:


Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly

Glad he put Idris Elba in there.

They forget so quickly. Black women were NOT feeling this movie. Whatsoever.


Sistas around the globe creamed themselves when Beyonce got to beat down the evil white she-devil for tryna steal her good black man :pachaha:

Last edited:


May 7, 2012
Glad he put Idris Elba in there.

They forget so quickly. Black women were NOT feeling this movie. Whatsoever.


Sistas around the globe creamed themselves when Beyonce got to beat down the evil white she-devil for tryna steal her good black man :pachaha:

sheeeit i forgot about this :dead: perfect example


Aug 12, 2012
Glad he put Idris Elba in there.

They forget so quickly. Black women were NOT feeling this movie. Whatsoever.


Sistas around the globe creamed themselves when Beyonce got to beat down the evil white she-devil for tryna steal her good black man :pachaha:

Can yall imagine the reaction if a famous BLACK MALE SINGER carried a White Woman in his arms with a smile on his face at the end of a music video? :pachaha: :laff:

Black Women With Their White Kings

Mariah Carey :laff:
Diana Ross :laff:
Chaka Khan :laff:
Naomi Campbell :laff:
Halle Berry :laff:
Paula Patton
Roxi Roker
Alfrie Woodard
Marian Wright Edelman
Lena Horn
Josephine Barker
Aisha Taylor
Alice Walker
Whoopie Goldberg


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
:snoop: Not too many things more frustrating than debating with a stupid motherfukker who thinks that he/she is smart. You don't even understand my argument to reduce it to anything. You don't even understand your own incoherent ass argument. In the initial post that I quoted you were speaking of Africa as a whole, as if it were one society. You made no declaration that you were only talking about a specific part of Africa. You're just copping out now that I've pointed out that there were numerous different societies in pre-colonial Africa and they didn't all operate under the same system. While there's evidence to suggest that some African socities were non "patriarchal"(which is why I brought up ancient Kemet/Egypt), there's no evidence to suggest that all of Africa was non "patriarchal". In fact the evidence proves the opposite.

You really thought you were typing something smart here and failed miserably. All you did was proved that you cannot keep up in an academic argument without having information spoon fed to you. Exactly which part of pre-colonial Africa would any knowledgable person be talking about if they were referring to Africans of slave descent taking on European systems of class/hierarchy? Eastern? Like the only ones you've ever heard of and the first one you mentioned? :heh:

We know for a fact that most pre colonial African societies were "patriarchal" in a sense, meaning that they were male doninated. I know exactly what patriarchy means by the way.

You clearly don't because if you did while at the same time having any knowledge whatsoever of what pre-colonial WESTERN AFRICA was like you would never fix your fingers to type such nonsense. But please, go on. Tell me how and show me evidence that they were "male dominated".

The reason that I'm putting the word in quotation marks is because there are different degrees of patriarchy. African societies may not have been patriarchal in the same sense that European societies were or patriarchies in the sense of how that term is defined today in our society, but they were male dominated.

You know you are losing an argument when you have to talk about "degrees" of the term that we are focusing on. Tell me what "degree of patriarchy" pre-colonial WESTERN AFRICA had when women had rights and access to all the same things that men did?

Seriously, there's so much evidence to disprove what you're saying. It's common sense.

You know there isn't. Because if there was you would have posted it by now.

Again, do you understand what monotheism is? Do you understand that it goes hand in hand with patriarchy? You're claiming that most if not all of pre colonial Africa was non patriarchal, but where's your proof? You haven't posted 1 single shred of evidence to prove this claim.

You are all over the place. Monotheism =/= patriarchy.

A man could have as many wives as he could afford to buy in many pre colonial African societies. Women were seen as a man's property in certain circumstances in many pre colonial African societies. You're flat out lying when you say that no men owned women back then.

Once again you are making things up to suit your view of the world (the one white men taught you is the only way to live and you accepted because you view him as a father/savior figure). Men did not "own" women in any sense of the imagination in these societies. You might be referring to poorer women working as servants in the home of richer families, but then again that was not something that was exclusive to women. Any poor male or female could feel compelled to offer their labor to a wealthy household and thus make a come up. You have once again proved you have no idea of what you are talking about and are going purely off of wishful thinking. You WISH African men "owned" and "dominated" pre-colonial African women because that is the only form of existence that you have been taught can happen between man and woman without negative effects on the man's esteem. And then you wonder why there is a rift between Black men and Black women.

Even if you just want to talk about western Africa, men ruled. We've all heard the "Africans sold Africans" smoke screen that crackers use in an effort to absolve themselves of blame and responsibility for the Atlantic slave trade. Well who did they "buy" the people from? African kings right? Name the African queens who owned and sold people from that time period. :heh:

So let me get this straight, you call the Africans sold Africans argument a "smoke screen by crackers" and then go on to ask me to name the African queens who sold African people? :what: You are terrible at this.

You don't know what the fukk you're talking about. You can split hairs over whether pre colonial African societies were "patriarchies" in the exact true sense of the term, but there's no denying that men were dominant in African societies before he Europeans came.

:heh: @ the bolded. Thank you for admitting you are attempting to redefine the word just to hold onto this pathetic idea of masculinity that white men fed to you and that you now worship as if it is the only way of life.

You have not said a a gotdamn thing in this post:pachaha: You're just babbling at this point. Again, where's the proof that most if not all of pre colonial Africa was non patriarchal meaning that they were non male dominated societies? You're parroting some shyt that you've/read some feminist say.

Once again proving you are lost in this debate. Most feminists, particularly white ones with an agenda, say the exact opposite of what I am saying. White feminists would have us believe that all men are inherently as bloodthirsty and hateful towards women as white men have been to them. They would like Black women to believe that so that we would see no hope in creating a community that is not abusive towards Black women or views us as secondary in importance.

You haven't even done any real research on your own. Yes, some women had power politically, economically, and spiritually in pre colonial Africa but that doesn't mean that a lot of women weren't being subjugated just for being women back then.

In pre-colonial Africa, they weren't. That is simple, easily verifiable fact. Literally every piece of research points to this, including accounts by your own precious white daddies from that time period. It is part of the reason they called us (Black people, assuming you are Black) savages. Because surely a people who did not subjugate women the way they did must be inferior.