Listen to me...Shut up.Not to add to the madness, but why is this sentiment always throw around whenever black men disagree with the context of a WM/BM relationship? Obviously, there are white men who find black women attractive, we have many black people with European genes to prove that point. No reasonable black man would say different.
However, attraction and respect are two very different things....the kind of different that is TOTALLY NON-RELATED. A dude can bang a chick that he has no respect for and lose not one wink of sleep. Does that prove anything? And before you reply, I am NOT intimating that this applies to all WM/BF relationships/sex partner situations. I am saying that to think that because a white guy is attracted to you that he values you(on par with a white woman especially) is a it would be for any man.
The MAIN issue that black men have with the show, and with the women who support it, is the lack of understanding, on the part of black women, when it comes to the racial context of the relationship. Let's be real here, the dynamic of the powerful white male having his way with the black female is a VERY COMMON THEME THROUGHOUT AMERICAN HISTORY! And yes, whether we want to admit to it or not, black men are prickly about that subject.
But what man wouldn't be prickly about another man having UNFETTERED access to HIS woman? Do we need a refresher on how much white men did to separate white women from even the idea of being with black men? That would a whole course on American hisory, but I digress.
What's even funnier is that the same women who love seeing this coupling on Scandal would literally boycott the show off air IF the president was a black man cheating on his black wife with a white woman. TELL ME I'M LYING THO! And black women have the nerve to decry black men for being "jealous" when we have ALL TOO MANY websites, Youtube videos, articles, blog entries and talk show clips showing how much they didn't/don't/won't like seeing black men with non-black women.
So PLEASE stop with the off-handed bullsh#t!
You and others like you are basing your opinon on some generic issue you have with the black woman white man relationship and maybe television in general I'm not sure. My opininon is based on THIS show and the dynamic between the two characters. It is not one of bed wenchery, it's two people who acted on feelings they shouldn't have and basically got caught slipping and are trying to find a way out of it. Again, I'm not advocating for any woman to involve themselves with a married man but BASED ON THIS SHOW, that I've actually watched, I see how the fukk it went down and they have genuine feelings for each other. Race is not even a consideration.
Now if you're going to paint every BW/WM relationship with the same big stupid, generic ass brush(especially a ficticious one)...go right ahead. Jesus will still love you. But don't try to denouce my blackness, call me brain washed and accuse me of wanting to fukk white men just because I like a damn television show. That's the part pisses me off. How could you come to such a solid conclusion based one thing? It's just stupid.