Breh it's all about white men. Obviously it has nothing to do with earnings because they would go after Indian or Asian or Nigerian men. It's about white male validation. Black men and white women are their "enemy". Somehow throughout history these two have done them wrong the most. It's just a distortion of reality and being completely ignorant of history.
Check it. You have broads that fix their lips to say "white men appreciate my natural hair more"
Think about that for a moment.
I'd be damned if I fixed my lips and stated a non-black women could possibly love my natural aesthetics more. Especially a goddamn cac. They been c00ning breh. They been c00ning since pimpin was pimpin, but they don't care. They just now getting hip to white feminism playing them for absolute fools but instead of rejecting feminism altogether, it's morphed into white male adoration and black male hatred.

I'll make sure to teach my daughter all of this, so she doesn't morph into a c00n.