Oh shyt, so they have "Scandal" Viewing Parties now? (photos included)


Sep 14, 2013
According to the women on here

- Wearing a weave that doesn't match your hair texture - nothing to do with self hate

- Watching Scandal, a powerful white man's black jumpoff "drama"- not a bed wench fantasy and race doesn't matter

- They say the men on here lust after Pawgs but when we ask for examples they just quote @Chris.B

- They say black men have privilege :dead:

- There's numerous black female appreciation threads but somehow the men on here are worshipping white women :patrice:

- They say if a show with a black male lead has a white s/o, black men would flock to watch it :heh:

- They constantly dap that white supremacist @MurderSheWrote

- They argue in circles about nothing, i repeat ABOUT NOTHING @SouthernBelle

- They dap that sloth lookin hair hatted hooligan @Anothergirl when she uses terms like "chimpout"

..And this is all reinforced by these capin azz nikkas, flying into the thread slaying dragons and shyt, i don't even need to @ there usernames, you all know who i'm referring to.

I don't think there has ever been a woman on here that says, "you know what, i didn't see it like that, you might be right", it's always flip the argument and somehow include white women or the usual "black men ain't shyt".

I've yet to see a woman on here go at the white men :patrice:, even on twitter.

I'm amazed out how easily women can lie to themselves :whew: No facts, no proof, just denial.

Capes, c00ns & CACs :snoop:


Aug 30, 2013
Thats because other men like to put "whores" on a pedestal. Thats why prostitutes put "no black guys" in the backpage profiles. They know that other men will spend a 300 dollars for 20 minutes of a light handjob and a conversation, treat her like she is his girlfriend and give her gifts and shyt. No self respecting black man is going to treat a "whore" as anything but a "whore". He is only giving benefits to his woman.

Thats called integrity :smugfavre:

nikka they do that because some black men don't pay and try to get a freebie.

Damn I can't believe this thread is 29 pages and going. Some here said black culture is fukked up and I agree. The heifers at that other site actually believe that massa was sleeping with them because he desired them and not because they were his property and could do whatever he wanted. I swear in 50 years, nikkas be like slavery wasn't so bad.

Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012
I'm convinced this show doesn't bother you men nearly as much as you claim, you just like to use it to reinforce how you already feel about black women. You want to talk shyt and criticize black women and this show apparently gives you all the fuel you need.


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
I'm convinced this show doesn't bother you men nearly as much as you claim, you just like to use it to reinforce how you already feel about black women. You want to talk shyt and criticize black women and this show apparently gives you all the fuel you need.
i speak for all the men...im worried of losing BW to WM

ill admit it :to:

there yall won



Sep 14, 2013
I'm convinced this show doesn't bother you men nearly as much as you claim, you just like to use it to reinforce how you already feel about black women. You want to talk shyt and criticize black women and this show apparently gives you all the fuel you need.

this type of thinking :dead:

ignore the mental effects of white supremacy brehs

Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012
i speak for all the men...im worried of losing BW to WM

ill admit it :to:

there yall won

Now that one of you has admitted it, I can rightfully assume that's how all black men feel.

But don't worry, hun, we don't want them nearly as much as you all think we do.


Seattle fan since 2013 *deal with it slime*
Nov 9, 2012
Seattle We Run You Nyggas Ask Russel Wilson
According to the women on here

- Wearing a weave that doesn't match your hair texture - nothing to do with self hate

- Watching Scandal, a powerful white man's black jumpoff "drama"- not a bed wench fantasy and race doesn't matter

- They say the men on here lust after Pawgs but when we ask for examples they just quote @Chris.B

- They say black men have privilege :dead:

- There's numerous black female appreciation threads but somehow the men on here are worshipping white women :patrice:

- They say if a show with a black male lead has a white s/o, black men would flock to watch it :heh:

- They constantly dap that white supremacist @MurderSheWrote

- They argue in circles about nothing, i repeat ABOUT NOTHING @SouthernBelle

- They dap that sloth lookin hair hatted hooligan @Anothergirl when she uses terms like "chimpout"

..And this is all reinforced by these capin azz nikkas, flying into the thread slaying dragons and shyt, i don't even need to @ there usernames, you all know who i'm referring to.

I don't think there has ever been a woman on here that says, "you know what, i didn't see it like that, you might be right", it's always flip the argument and somehow include white women or the usual "black men ain't shyt".

I've yet to see a woman on here go at the white men :patrice:, even on twitter.

I'm amazed out how easily women can lie to themselves :whew: No facts, no proof, just denial.

Capes, c00ns & CACs :snoop:

Breh it's all about white men. Obviously it has nothing to do with earnings because they would go after Indian or Asian or Nigerian men. It's about white male validation. Black men and white women are their "enemy". Somehow throughout history these two have done them wrong the most. It's just a distortion of reality and being completely ignorant of history.

Check it. You have broads that fix their lips to say "white men appreciate my natural hair more" :skip:


“One thing I did notice was with white people they didn’t seem to be repulsed by my hair, they thought it was odd, but they didn’t ask me when I was going to go get it “done”.

“I feel like white men have been fascinated with black beauty for decades. Not all, but many. It has a lot to do with their view of black beauty. Overall, they see it to be different – unique – exotic, especially our natural hair. ”

Think about that for a moment.

I'd be damned if I fixed my lips and stated a non-black women could possibly love my natural aesthetics more. Especially a goddamn cac. They been c00ning breh. They been c00ning since pimpin was pimpin, but they don't care. They just now getting hip to white feminism playing them for absolute fools but instead of rejecting feminism altogether, it's morphed into white male adoration and black male hatred.


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
Now that one of you has admitted it, I can rightfully assume that's how all black men feel.

But don't worry, hun, we don't want them nearly as much as you all think we do.
i was always taught that peen advantage that we were blessed with should be enough to attract any female..i guess i was told wrong :to:

btw is ur current bf a cac? no cism

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
I'm going to throw my two cents into this mix. Afterwards y'all dumbass JEALOUS ninjas can eat shyt and DIE!

The reason why this show bothers so many of you ridiculous retards is quite apparent. It has nothing to do with "concern" for black women, black women's image or any of the other TIRED, RIDICULOUS, bullshyt posted in this thread. It has nothing to do with "confronting black women about their hypocrisy " (a stupid explanation if I've ever heard one considering this show is FICTIONAL). No the REAL reasons why this show bothers you ninjas is as follows:

1). You see the white man as a sexual threat. This is evident in the cries about "propaganda." There is a fear that black women and white men might actually view each other in a way YOU, retarded ninjas of Coli, have deemed inappropriate. After all, black women and white men aren't supposed to find each other attractive. Black women and white men aren't supposed to mix. Many black women have become more vocal about their attraction to white men. This shyt scares the fukk out of you.

2). Many of you have referred to the character played by Kerry Washington as a "whore" "bed wench" etc while also admitting YOU DON'T EVEN WATCH THE SHOW (sigh...fukking dumbasses). This policing of black women's sexuality (albeit a fictional black woman) is the only means that a powerless group men have in preventing what they again, see as a threat. Now of course this "shaming tactic" is not only idiotic...but it DOESN'T work. People are going to do what they do. Then there is this...

The reality is a black woman is far more likely to be a "whore" to a black man than to ANY white man. It's not white men out here making black women babymamas and single mothers. The white man's children are growing up in intact families in middle class clean communities, while those black women have by black men are more likely to be living in POVERTY.

By default, the black man has placed black women in the whore, babymamas, single mother, concubine role...because black men do NOT marry. So, it is ridiculous for you morons to try to shame a black woman for supposedly allowing herself to act in this role with a white man.

Truth be told, given the obvious short-comings of black men, black women would do themselves justice to favor being a white man's whore over being a black man's whore. IF a black woman gets knocked up by a white man he will likely take care of his children and perhaps even marry her. The same is NOT true for black men.

The benefits of being a white man whore FAR outweigh those of being a default black man's whore. As crude as that may sound...it is true!

I don't recommend any woman being a whore. I don't see it as something anyone should desire. I don't advocate the position and the only reason I'm mentioning it is because you jealous bitter ninjas have used the term over and over again here.

But let's get real here, if black women fancied playing the role it's best to go for those at the top of the totem pole and not the ninjas under their foot.

Some of you mentioned Edison, the black man, Olivia sidestepped. Edison was detestable. The man was borderline stalkerish (showing up at her apt and letting himself in). His personality was that of a brick wall. There was NO passion between them. No woman should ever force herself to be with a man she doesn't even like...let alone love. fukk out of here!

Fitz and Olivia have CHEMISTRY. They have that magic. It's not because the actor is white. Truth be told I couldn't stand the white guy Kerry played opposite of in Lakeview Terrace (I think that's the name). So, to answer one of the questions here....it's not simply because Fitz is played by a white actor. It's because he is played by a damn good actor. He and Kerry bring that FIRE. And the writing/plots are addictive.

3). Economically black men are the bottom of the barrel. It probably hurts like hell to see the cream of the crop black women getting it in with well-to-do white men. We get it...now just own up to the "hurt" and call it a day. Whether you like it or not, I predict there will more of this in the future.

4). Last but not least, black men hate Scandal and resent black women for loving the showing because the character operates outside of the black community and black men. As one blogger put it,...

"And that’s where the conversation gets controversial. Black men seem to be expressing discontent with Pope not because she’s the “other” in an extramarital affair, but because, debatably, she’s a confusing amalgam of sexual history, sexual modernity, and agency—and a badass wardrobe. She’s powerful, but not ‘loud’. Sexy, but not overtly provocative. Pope has reclaimed a level of humanity. And with this reclamation comes the privilege of complexity—a possible threat to Black male power.....Though she remains in a position of submission, to a White man, Pope has stepped from behind the Black man and cut the proverbial political line. There is this implicit “how dare you?” tone in Black men’s Twitter commentary about the show. Black women have played ‘other women’ to married Black men, for decades. It’s not until now that it’s an issue of morality. The show’s relational dynamics aren’t what we’re used to. And likely, because so much of Black men’s power has come from Black women’s oppression, this shift makes them uncomfortable"

@Rawtid pointed the above out, but you dumbass ninjas on this site are too damn stupid to comprehend.

Anyway, that's my two cents.

Have fun! I'm done with this thread.


its not insecurity to be upset that televisions execs stay playing yall out by having yall play so of the pathetic roles in television and to further wedge relationships between us. I mean do yall even know that this character is based on the best crisis manager in the game judy smith? The fact this woman's character was good enough to based a show on should tell you something when they decided to turn her into a whore. Yes I said whore cause that's exactly what a side piece is especially.

but but but he loves her :usure: You need your head checked