Oh shyt, it's going down in Italy

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I don’t have anything against the breh

I was just saying this lil temper tantrum on video wasn’t really bout nothing. That if this is an indication of how real shyt is gone get then these will be the most peaceful riots ever.
Yeah, if this is "it's going down" then folk don't have shyt to worry about. The video was saying that some people are making upset youtube videos, a couple people complained to cops outside a grocery store, one store got robbed, and the mafia is involved in criminal activity?

If the worst that happens is some people raiding grocery stores then it ain't some, "Oh my god society is falling apart!" shyt to get shook apart. If the government wants to put a lid on that shyt then they need to just get the fukking aid out to the people and do it quick. If there are still stores around with food in them while people are starving because of a shutdown then THAT is the primary problem.

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
Look at the bigger picture even if y’all don’t like Italians

it’s coming to our damn doorstep soon!!

This X1000

This like how a few weeks ago, them nikkaz was talking about how Coronavirus "aint killing nobody Black"

And then Black folks like DJ Black N Mild & others died from it now they're like


How bout nikkaz stop taunting Coronavirus.

When White folks catch a cold Black folks catch pneumonia, so how bout we just chill for a while with the dap fishing:patrice:

If that was the case...nothing would be shut down....more people die everyday from other shyt and now everyone thinks they care about lives.

nikka, that's fukking ridiculous.

That's like saying "more than 3,000 people die every year in America, so 9/11 wasn't no big deal"

Dude, the system isn't designed to handle thousands/millions of more deaths than usual.

There's a normal amount of deaths that a society can expect on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis.

This is multiplying that.

What yall cacs dont understand is we HAVE lived this. We know how to survive. Black people of Amerika have endured more than most on the globe. I ate sugar sandwiches and went to sleep hungry. The pendulum swings.. Dont try to guilt us into sympathizing with the oppressor.

nikka, you aint never lived through nothing like this:heh:

My parents grew up poor during the Civil Rights Era and even they're like:whoa:

You aint never lived through no fukking "shelter in place" laws that lasted months.

Empty store shelves that could last for months.

Overwhelmed hospitals that could last for months

Unemployment rates that could end up at like 30%

Whole industries being put out of business by the end of this.

Because nobody alive has lived through any of that.

Even us from the hood, stop it, B:stopitslime:

This shyt could end up making regular hood conditions look like paradise.

Because the material poverty suffered by black Americans is one of design, a consequence of systemic oppression that specifically targets us. By constantly harping on the economic divide and how a rising tide lifts all boats, Bernie is disrespecting the memory of our ancestors and downplaying the role racism has in our present condition. :francis:

So, they vote for Joe Biden, who not only downplayed it, but contributed to it at every turn.?

A guy who explicitly came out against reparations?

A guy who said that wealth inequality between Blacks & Whites was due to Black people not playing enough records for their kids and us not having enough social workers??

By making friends and placating segregationists like Strom Thurmond?

Helping to throw millions of Blacks in prisons in the '80s & '90s?

Making it easier for banks to rip us off and then making it harder for us to declare bankruptcy?

Making it harder for us to get healthcare & jobs?

Just be real, most nikkaz aren't political and are just voting for who they think Obama's c00n ass wants them to vote for:mjlol:.

Like, you can't criticize Bernie Sanders if your option is Joe Biden.

That's like me criticizing somebody for being a racist and then voting for the Grandwizard of the KKK:yeshrug:


Jun 12, 2014
With how not out of the ordinary your story is amongst black folks it makes me wonder why Bernie Sanders is so vilified by older black folks

Years of brainwashing by cnn, msnbc etc will do that to you:francis:

If you sat down and watch these channels for extended period of time, day in day out, you will come away believing Bernie is Castro,mao and stalin rolled into one and Biden/Clinton are God's gift to black people and mankind.
Jun 24, 2012
This X1000

This like how a few weeks ago, them nikkaz was talking about how Coronavirus "aint killing nobody Black"

And then Black folks like DJ Black N Mild & others died from it now they're like


How bout nikkaz stop taunting Coronavirus.

When White folks catch a cold Black folks catch pneumonia, so how bout we just chill for a while with the dap fishing:patrice:

nikka, that's fukking ridiculous.

That's like saying "more than 3,000 people die every year in America, so 9/11 wasn't no big deal"

Dude, the system isn't designed to handle thousands/millions of more deaths than usual.

There's a normal amount of deaths that a society can expect on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis.

This is multiplying that.

You failed to understand that isn't more thousands of more deaths than normal. You also failed to realize the conditions in the US that facilitate the deaths. So save that "This is different bullshyt" for someone else.


May 15, 2014
I’m sure those Italians was looking at laughing when Africans was going through a famine back in the 80s and like to call black folk apes and monkeys.. Tell them I-talians to work the land and grow food

facts upon facts..they are top 3 when it comes to euro cac racism,but the the nigerians are putting their stamp on all things street something serious over there


All Star
Jun 13, 2019
This X1000

This like how a few weeks ago, them nikkaz was talking about how Coronavirus "aint killing nobody Black"

And then Black folks like DJ Black N Mild & others died from it now they're like


How bout nikkaz stop taunting Coronavirus.

When White folks catch a cold Black folks catch pneumonia, so how bout we just chill for a while with the dap fishing:patrice:

nikka, that's fukking ridiculous.

That's like saying "more than 3,000 people die every year in America, so 9/11 wasn't no big deal"

Dude, the system isn't designed to handle thousands/millions of more deaths than usual.

There's a normal amount of deaths that a society can expect on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis.

This is multiplying that.

nikka, you aint never lived through nothing like this:heh:

My parents grew up poor during the Civil Rights Era and even they're like:whoa:

You aint never lived through no fukking "shelter in place" laws that lasted months.

Empty store shelves that could last for months.

Overwhelmed hospitals that could last for months

Unemployment rates that could end up at like 30%

Whole industries being put out of business by the end of this.

Because nobody alive has lived through any of that.

Even us from the hood, stop it, B:stopitslime:

This shyt could end up making regular hood conditions look like paradise.

So, they vote for Joe Biden, who not only downplayed it, but contributed to it at every turn.?

A guy who explicitly came out against reparations?

A guy who said that wealth inequality between Blacks & Whites was due to Black people not playing enough records for their kids and us not having enough social workers??

By making friends and placating segregationists like Strom Thurmond?

Helping to throw millions of Blacks in prisons in the '80s & '90s?

Making it easier for banks to rip us off and then making it harder for us to declare bankruptcy?

Making it harder for us to get healthcare & jobs?

Just be real, most nikkaz aren't political and are just voting for who they think Obama's c00n ass wants them to vote for:mjlol:.

Like, you can't criticize Bernie Sanders if your option is Joe Biden.

That's like me criticizing somebody for being a racist and then voting for the Grandwizard of the KKK:yeshrug:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
With how not out of the ordinary your story is amongst black folks it makes me wonder why Bernie Sanders is so vilified by older black folks

real talk,...
the area where Bernie presides over.
is it an area a black person can move to and thrive?

art barr


Aug 3, 2015
He walks around shook of the government and new world order 24/7. According to him everything is a government conspiracy and every bad event benefits them. Of course rich people were making bank before this happened and living the high life, but somehow he thinks they want to trade that it for a depression and an angry population that doesn't trust them.

He doesn't believe that 9/11, Isis, Treyvon Martin's killing, the moon landing, the Ferguson protests, the Holocaust, the shooting down of the plane in Ukraine, the Malaysian plane that crashed in the ocean, or pretty much any mass shooting or terrorist attack ever happened. Even said the Charleston victims were dummies with fake plastic faces molded on them to make them look like the victims and that "hands up don't shoot" is a secret Masonic symbol.

But he does believe in pizzagate, Obama being a freemason, a giant Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world, Trayvon Martin being sacrificed by his father in a masonic cult ritual, and a giant conspiracy of ruling reptilans who disguise themselves as people.

He once attacked Alex Jones as a paid plant because he believes that some mass shootings aren't staged. As if guns exist but none of the 7 billion people on Earth will ever use them unless the Jewish Masonic pedophiliac reptilian New World Order tells them to. :what: