I'm rolling with Bulbasaur as my starter. I'm not gonna let him evolve until he learns all the moves tho.
he learns all the moves regardless of evolution tho breh and they get better stats when they do that, unless u wanna pull a ash and make the game more difficult for no reason I suggest u evolve it at least into a ivysaur
and I might have to retract my earlier claim about all the gen 5 pokemon being trash, even tho I threw my starter in the bushes I caint wait til I catch
the american eagle muchacho Ima be deporting motherfukkers with a fly attack
this dude said fukk a razor in my mouth Ima keep the shyts on my CHEEKS son!!!!!
my dawg looks like a shiesty ass baser with that skinny body and evil grin, straight snatching tv sets and all
breh looks like a cross between the mole from bloody roar and wolverine

that weird ass metal fitted got to go tho
these nikkas got the certified goon stamp of approval