Final thoughts:
- Whoever said the final episode needed to be an hour was dead on ... as much as I liked the finale, I would have liked to see more of the teams taking on the MFDs.
- This show is keeping up the tradition of a member of the Bat family getting up in the guts of a Wonder family
- Aqualad and Static = black excellence
- One of the most amazing things this show did was make Sportsmaster -
SPORTSMASTER - credible. This dude's gimmick was all about hockey masks and baseballs, but he was RAW on this show.
- Kid Flash was my nikka, I hate it had to be him

And I'm surprised that they actually killed him. Now that I think about it, there was a bit of foreshadowing last week when he was telling Impulse that he should take up the Kid Flash mantle.
- Who was the random guy they had running mission control on the Watchtower?
- Nightwing was kind of reduced to a bit player in this episode, that was disappointing.
- Lex Luthor potentially becoming the new UN Secretary General = :harden: