Official WONDER WOMAN Thread


Oct 14, 2015
:francis:Just saw this movie brehs, and it wasn't up to par(and I say this as a DC stan).For starters this movie was a Captain America: The First Avenger rip off. Some segments aren't even disguised, they are exact duplicates from The First Avenger. Secondly , the revisionist history of the Greek Gods where Ares was the most powerful god and killed the other gods made absolutely no sense. Anyone who knows even a little bit about Greek mythology knows that is total bullshyt. Zeus using his last bit of energy before he died to fukk Diana's mom had me :krillindead_1:,though. Also,I get that Steve Trevor is her husband in the comics but the idea that fell in love over 5 days (:mjlol:she gave that puzzy up in three) was utterly stupid. Even with that, I felt Chris Pine and Gal Gadot had great chemistry and their light hearted scenes with his secretary are some of the best in the movies.Doctor Poison was legit and the actress played the part of a driven but scorned women very well. The film never really knew what to do with Ares and predictably had him masquerading as a weak chatacter only for him to at the end of movie, reveal himself, appear on the battlefield and state that his goal is to convince Diana that humans are bad.:dwillhuh: That was something he could have done from the very first time he saw her at the start of the movie. Fight scenes were great even if the CGI was a little shaky at times. :snoop: But the absolute worst part of the film was the ending. The main storyline line being pushed in the movie was that humans were naturally good and that Ares had corrupted them, only for Diana to supposedly kill Ares (really wasn't him) and find out that humans are neither naturally good or bad, just flawed creatures who can have extreme traits on both side spectrum,:salute:logical storyline. :why:Then two minutes later proclaim that love solves alll the worlds problems and Diana being in love with Steve gives her all the powers of the gods and allows her to dispatch Ares in mere seconds.I literally had this face :dwillhuh:for the rest of the movie. Overall its a 5 out of 10. Way better than BVS and Suicide Squad but not a flagship movie for DC to base their movies on going forward.
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
:francis:Just saw this movie brehs, and it wasn't up to par(and I say this as a DC stan).For starters this movie was a Captain America: The First Avenger rip off. Some segments aren't even disguised, they are exact duplicates from The First Avenger. Secondly , the revisionist history of the Greek Gods where Ares was the most powerful god and killed the other gods made absolutely no sense. Anyone who knows even a little bit about Greek mythology knows that is total bullshyt. Zeus using his last bit of energy before he died to fukk Diana's mom had me :krillindead_1:,though. Also,I get that Steve Trevor is her husband in the comics but the idea that fell in love over 5 days (:mjlol:she gave that puzzy up in three) was utterly stupid. Even with that, I felt Chris Pine and Gal Gadot had great chemistry and their light hearted scenes with his secretary are some of the best in the movies.Doctor Poison was legit and the actress played the part of a driven but scorned women very well. The film never really knew what to do with Ares and predictably had him masquerading as a weak chatacter only for him to at the end of movie, reveal himself, appear on the battlefield and state that his goal is to convince Diana that humans are bad.:dwillhuh: That was something he could have done from the very first time he saw her at the start of the movie. Fight scenes were great even if the CGI was a little shaky at times. :snoop: But the absolute worst part of the film was the ending. The main storyline line being pushed in the movie was that humans were naturally good and that Ares had corrupted them, only for Diana to supposedly kill Ares (really wasn't him) and find out that humans are neither naturally good or bad, just flawed creatures who can have extreme traits on both side spectrum,:salute:logical storyline. :why:Then two minutes later proclaim that love solves alll the worlds problems and Diana being in love with Steve gives her all the powers of the gods and allows her to dispatch Ares in mere seconds.I literally had this face :dwillhuh:for the rest of the movie. Overall its a 5 out of 10. Way better than BVS and Suicide Squad but not a flagship movie for DC to base their movies on going forward.
Homie out here sounding like undercover cacs in comment sections. First of all as a black man :troll:


Jun 1, 2012
I saw this last night due to downtime. Surprised me it was actually good, solid effort I thought she did a great job playing Wonder Woman.

There were moments in the movie where I started to check the social media feed but that's just down to the amount of movies I've seen and you kind of know where a script is going, the best from a bad bunch from DC, Man of Steel I would say is the better movie but it's just not a good Superman movie so I'd put this at number 1.


May 7, 2012
West where the Sunsets
Pretty good flick, but nothing great about it. Below MOS, imo.

Didn't care for the Ares swerve, and I wish they did a better job introducing her bracelets. They should've made a big deal about them instead of just putting them on her in the beginning.

B rating.


May 17, 2014
Just watched for the first time and am completely baffled by the love for this.:mindblown:

It's just ok. Boiled down, this is simply a more enjoyable cap1 and people call this a classic:rudy:

Feminist bias is real folks.:ufdup:

Hate on snyder movies but then they praise this:heh: