Roman Brady
Nobody Lives Forever
fucc up dumb ass stan..

fucc up dumb ass stan..
It was all very "meh" for me. The story was kinda lame considering its just another "foil Ares's plan" motif. More importantly, the reveal at the end was lackluster. What a horribly shot Ares, the armor was lame, the actor was lame, and the premises was tired. I'm pretty much done with all DC movies.
I like the combat though, always a good thing with Snyder, as I know the directors can't do action, gotta also shout out the DP, because that action was definitely "borrowed".
5/10. I have an overall feeling of "average" when I watched the film. I'm no fan of Gadot by a long shot, but it wasn't her bad acting that did it, but really the shytty writing. "Only love can save the world" ugh...![]()
They pretty much fused like 4 marvel movies to get this one to even be watchable.It's different than previous DCEU movies and it's also different from any MCU movie to date so to say WW is a copy of any movie is a poor and lazy comparison but I mean look at this guy's rep, obviously he just says absurd things.![]()
They pretty much fused like 4 marvel movies to get this one to even be watchable.
I felt like I was watching the female CA:TFA mixed with Thor.
Movie was ok but let's be honest they pretty much just ripped off those other SH flicks to make this.
How can you watch this movie and not see the similarities??
It was like Wonder Thor: The First Justice Avengers.
Not saying it was bad...they just made a little mix of the best parts of the origin stories we've seen already.
Director Patty Jenkins’ film will soon eclipse the $609.8 million earned worldwide by Phyllida Lloyd’s adaptation of the Broadway hit Mamma Mia! back in 2008 to become the top-grossing live-action film of all time from a female director (not accounting for inflation). Wonder Womanalso has a very good chance of passing up Kung Fu Panda 2‘s $665.7 million to become the top-grossing film of all time from a female filmmaker as a solo director. Jennifer Yuh Nelson was behind the 2011 animated sequel. Right now, the sky is the limit.
This is important for several reasons, most notably that this is an action/superhero film, a genre that many don’t believe a female director can tackle, much less make tackle with such incredible skill. Look at the other films which broke box office records directed by women — Twilight, Fifty Shades of Grey, and Pitch Perfect — all movies that would be considered heavily female-skewing, and therefore, “safe” for a woman to direct. Wonder Woman’s success has shattered all those preconceived notions.
False. Marvel invented comedy. Marvel invented the cinematic universe. Marvel invented the fish out of water comedy trope. Marvel invented the end scene credit stinger.movies didn't start in 2008. Like I said it was closer to Superman The Movie than any MCU film and that was in the 70s
How can you watch this movie and not see the similarities??
It was like Wonder Thor: The First Justice Avengers.
Not saying it was bad...they just made a little mix of the best parts of the origin stories we've seen already.