Official What If...? Season 1 Thread


cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
i wish Bucky would have been chosen because he had a 3rd shield.
Carter, Widow & Bucky all with shields would have been dope.
if you freeze frame the zombies falling out you can see Cap, Falcon & Hawkey.

why did they need to get the Soul stone out of all the others?
is it because Gamora had an emotional connection to it?
thanos wanted to sacrifice her for it, I'm assuming that's why she killed him in her universe.
i was hoping to see Zombie Thanos again, that's what I thought Strange was referring to when
he said something else came with them.
Wanda was a nice surprise though. Time stone vs. Time stone was dope.


cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
Who were you expecting?

Zombie Thanos?

yes, absofukkinglutely yessssssss!

Episode was dope! Hopefully the improvement they do make is the runtime. I was definitely hoping this would run into Multiverse of Madness or we get a first look at it at least.

i was hoping for 45 min on this one but whatever.

Ummm did i miss the Gamorra the destroyer Episode with steampunk Tony stark?

it would have helped make clearer why they chose the soul stone as the one to steal.
her father tried to kill her for it.

Dope :ehh:

I wonder what Killmonger would have done :ohhh:

Killmonger would Killmonger.
he would find some injustice to justify his lust for power.

I dont like how they have made Killmonger a complete villain. nikka wanted freedom for black people now he is completely amoral and power hunger


how else would you go about achieving his goals?

final two episiodes have been dope, wonder how they factor this in to the MCU movies


no way in hell dr strange sits back and baby sits with all those demons in his soul while black widow the basic snowflake with no powers gets her happy reality.

Thats the only thing i didnt like about this finale and of course the power scaling. Ultron cut down thanos so surgically but had trouble with these throw away avengers.


Thanos didn't have a protection spell and didn't know that Ultron was on the other end of his portal.

I dont see or understand how this is canon for the MCU though. Can someone explain that or is it just rumours?

they will pick what they want from this series and incorporate it into the MCU, trust.

Inside Marvel’s ‘What If…?’ Finale, Season 2 Plans and the T’Challa Spinoff That Never Was

Damn. We were getting an animated series of T’Challa and the Ravagers

Just cotdamn it all:unimpressed:

they can't let the character of T'Challa end.
someone will take the mantle in real life and in the MCU.
