Artificial Intelligence
Not Allen Iverson
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Brehs... I dont know. I'm just not feeling the voice actors they're using.
Folks keep saying they're using the OG actors with the exception of RDJ but I can't tell.
Only one I could make out in this new commercial is Michael B Jordan.
I hope Disney ain't cutting corners and not using actors they have access to just cause they don't wanna pay.
I really feel like they should have paid RDJ tbh. It aint like they aint got it
my hype level is at an all time low, and that's the main reason. i think it looks like dogshyt.I'm not liking the animation
My only 2 questions about this show is that if some of these characters will translate to live screen and the other if this is moonlighting
as an introduction to the 2nd Doctor Strange movie??