I might be in the minority, but I was never the biggest fan of the William/Dolores/MIB stuff in Season 1. The stuff with Dolores repeating loops in order to awaken and the bicameral mind was kinda interesting, but didn't really care about young William falling in love/then being disappointed by her. Also the game/maze aspect didn't really have that great of a payoff
I don't think you are necessarily supposed to root for Dolores, but her being an agent of chaos and stepping into the Magneto role is more interesting to me than her talking about leaving the farm and running away with William. Bernard being Professor X and recruiting Maeve to stop Dolores from wiping out humanity might be the driving force of the season.
The head of security that Dolores replaced was the bad guy in Wu Assassins
Visually the show continues to be
Aaron Paul as Caleb is a nice addition to the show

. Being able to communicate/hear the voice of someone you loss might be a good form of therapy, but also might prevent you from really moving on

Dolores getting that guy in the beginning to kill himself like he did his ex-wife was