Caught up on the season so far. Since I’ve read the graphic novel like 10 times the call backs were great. Some thoughts:
1) Dr Manhattan is probably a hoax. At the end of the series he was pretty much disgusted by humanity because ever since he gained his super human powers, he was used a merely a weapon and he never was John son of a watch maker again. Plus his last gf went and slept with Nite Owl and he pretty said meh, ima go explore the galaxy and make life
2)Iron is most likely Veidt and his whole son of a watch maker play is probably him trying to create his own dr Manhattan that he can control. Those clones are of Dr Manhattan before his accident and his then gf who by the way, Veidt secretly had implanted cancer in so she can blame Dr Manhattan and further isolate him from humanity
3) This version of America is pretty much a hyper power beyond belief especially because of Dr Manhattan. But the other countries were gearing up for a war to take down the US and Dr Manhattan. Veidt creates that squid monster so the world had a common enemy. Now Dr Manhattan is gone and the threat of extra dimensional monsters are “real” they cooperate more. Hence a communist cop in Tulsa.
4) I don’t remember the book being racial but it did deal with rape, murder and the effect of violence. Also I don’t expect Lou Gasset Jr character to have any powers. In this universe, the super heroes are regular folks who may have training but they don’t have any super powers. Only Dr Manhattan has any type of super power thus why he has such a looming presence in the story even though I doubt he actually shows up.
5) Nixon in this universe is pretty much an American God. He won Vietnam, shut the Russians down, I mean it’s mostly because of the presence of Dr Manhattan but he was the president in charge at the time. He was super popular and they got rid of term limits because of him. So it don’t surprise me there are Nixon statues and Nixonvilles all over the country.
great show soo far. Regina King is killing it.
Caught up on the season so far. Since I’ve read the graphic novel like 10 times the call backs were great. Some thoughts:
1) Dr Manhattan is probably a hoax. At the end of the series he was pretty much disgusted by humanity because ever since he gained his super human powers, he was used a merely a weapon and he never was John son of a watch maker again. Plus his last gf went and slept with Nite Owl and he pretty said meh, ima go explore the galaxy and make life
2)Iron is most likely Veidt and his whole son of a watch maker play is probably him trying to create his own dr Manhattan that he can control. Those clones are of Dr Manhattan before his accident and his then gf who by the way, Veidt secretly had implanted cancer in so she can blame Dr Manhattan and further isolate him from humanity
3) This version of America is pretty much a hyper power beyond belief especially because of Dr Manhattan. But the other countries were gearing up for a war to take down the US and Dr Manhattan. Veidt creates that squid monster so the world had a common enemy. Now Dr Manhattan is gone and the threat of extra dimensional monsters are “real” they cooperate more. Hence a communist cop in Tulsa.
4) I don’t remember the book being racial but it did deal with rape, murder and the effect of violence. Also I don’t expect Lou Gasset Jr character to have any powers. In this universe, the super heroes are regular folks who may have training but they don’t have any super powers. Only Dr Manhattan has any type of super power thus why he has such a looming presence in the story even though I doubt he actually shows up.
5) Nixon in this universe is pretty much an American God. He won Vietnam, shut the Russians down, I mean it’s mostly because of the presence of Dr Manhattan but he was the president in charge at the time. He was super popular and they got rid of term limits because of him. So it don’t surprise me there are Nixon statues and Nixonvilles all over the country.
great show soo far. Regina King is killing it.
This may not be the thread for it but I want to discuss how reparations are given out in this universe. From what I understand:
-It entitles you to no taxes for life
-it was given out to descendants racial violence starting AFTER Tulsa (1921 I think)
what’s interesting is that it doesn’t include the wide swath of slave descendants, which I imagine would make it easier to implement. I also think it’s interesting that even if it’s only exemption from taxes, it’s still got these cacs mad.
I also think tax free status is a smart way to implement it too. You could play into republican talking points about welfare leeches or drug dealers getting a free check by tying it to claimable income. You’d also open up a bunch of loopholes with whites asking their black friends to put wages or business in their names, etc.
Like I said it’s really interesting how they constructed it. I can tell they gave it some thought because I think this would be a realistic outcome (blacks coming up and poor whites being salty)
1.I agree it maybe a hoax stating he's on Mars because that's the last time the PUBLIC saw Dr. Manhattan and it's 35 years later so who knows how authentic is the feed? In their alternate world, the internet/social media is banned in the United States, so they solely have to rely on the media got their news. That said, I have to slightly correct you about Dr. Manhattan himself, he stated that he regained his love for humanity, but humans on Earth are way too complicated for him to understand fully, which is why he go to another galaxy to create a simpler version of life.
2. Great theory. He certainly has a larger card to play in the full scale of things. One thing that is clear is that he's in exile, whether it is self-admitted exile or someone placed him there. Considering that the world now view Veidt at deceased. But again, if it was the case that he was responsible for world peace, but Rorschach's journal was publicized pointing who was truly responsible and why, I think it would be in the government's great interests in covering up the truth themselves, the same way Dr. Manhattan saw the logic behind Veidt's motives. That's why the whole squid shower would continue as a reminder of the threat, that a hoax to begin with. So, it would be very well possible that the government or Veidt agree with the government for world peace to continue that Veidt have to be in exile, out of sight of the public and therefore out of mind. But Veidt is definitely plotting something bigger, because Dr. Manhattans last words "paraphrasing" was that nothing ever ends which Veidt was suddenly troubled and possible been working on a contingency in case things go back to what it was.
3.Basically, the United States changed from a fascist government to what may appears more of a socialist (false) utopia.
4. Yes, the graphic novel never touched on race or racism, which may of been a small nitpick being that all the characters in the graphic novel except for the boy at the news stand were white and it was more about political and social ideology, specifically liberalism vs conservatism without one being greater than the other. I think this TV series is going to have it flipped on its head in where the conservatism was the extreme reality of that period, now liberalism is the polar opposite in the current times of that reality. But deep down, people are what they are seem, when why Will (the old man) told Sister Night that the police chief wasn't who he may seem. And yes, they are still abiding by the rules that none have actual superpowers, but we can all agree that Will is very deceptive in appearing as an old helpless man but having the capability to do things that an average old man could not do.
5. Yep. What you need to pay attention is the son of the person that pushed the Keene act who is either running for senator or president. That is a possible subplot that would eventually explode later on in the season.
Nixon isn’t the president. Robert Redford is the president.Caught up on the season so far. Since I’ve read the graphic novel like 10 times the call backs were great. Some thoughts:
1) Dr Manhattan is probably a hoax. At the end of the series he was pretty much disgusted by humanity because ever since he gained his super human powers, he was used a merely a weapon and he never was John son of a watch maker again. Plus his last gf went and slept with Nite Owl and he pretty said meh, ima go explore the galaxy and make life
2)Iron is most likely Veidt and his whole son of a watch maker play is probably him trying to create his own dr Manhattan that he can control. Those clones are of Dr Manhattan before his accident and his then gf who by the way, Veidt secretly had implanted cancer in so she can blame Dr Manhattan and further isolate him from humanity
3) This version of America is pretty much a hyper power beyond belief especially because of Dr Manhattan. But the other countries were gearing up for a war to take down the US and Dr Manhattan. Veidt creates that squid monster so the world had a common enemy. Now Dr Manhattan is gone and the threat of extra dimensional monsters are “real” they cooperate more. Hence a communist cop in Tulsa.
4) I don’t remember the book being racial but it did deal with rape, murder and the effect of violence. Also I don’t expect Lou Gasset Jr character to have any powers. In this universe, the super heroes are regular folks who may have training but they don’t have any super powers. Only Dr Manhattan has any type of super power thus why he has such a looming presence in the story even though I doubt he actually shows up.
5) Nixon in this universe is pretty much an American God. He won Vietnam, shut the Russians down, I mean it’s mostly because of the presence of Dr Manhattan but he was the president in charge at the time. He was super popular and they got rid of term limits because of him. So it don’t surprise me there are Nixon statues and Nixonvilles all over the country.
great show soo far. Regina King is killing it.
Nixon isn’t the president. Robert Redford is the president.
...he was the president in charge at the time. He was super popular and they got rid of term limits because of him. So it don’t surprise me there are Nixon statues and Nixonvilles all over the country.
So, no one caught that Louis Gossett's character is invulnerable or impervious to pain or maybe heat-resistant? He drank boiling coffee and also plugged his hand into boiling water, without making a noise. Not to mention surviving the explosion and bullets during the first episode.
I think that was Regina King's sister.