I saw this tonight. As an amazon member I got $5 off my ticket, and AMC gave free comics out if you bought tickets for opening weekend. They also fukked up on my online order and gave me large sizes on my popcorn & drink, so I had a good mood going into this and caked with some freebies & shyt
In terms of the movie itself, I had fun

I’ll agree with the consensus that it feels like an early 00’s superhero film before the MCU/Dark Knight Trilogy changed the game for good. But I didn’t think it was a bad movie, for sure it had issues but I had fun. It’s like going to the arcade in this day and age. Are you getting an experience on the level of something like say, God of War? No, you’re just going in to have some mindless fun without really thinking about it too much. It’s a popcorn flick, and I think there’s still a lane for that.
The biggest problem with the movie is that I think Hardy is actually too good for this, as I think if you tonally flipped this movie his performance would be that much better. He leaned into the comedy but he really shined with struggling to cope with having the symbiote taking over and using him. With his strung out, grungy look I imagined a darker film where Venom became an allegory for drug abuse, kinda like the Evil Dead reimagining from a few years ago. And again, while that might’ve been a much better film if it was made, I don’t think what we got was as bad as these reviews might present it to be.