Huh ? So your saying Shazam is the worst of the new moviesGoing backwards of the most recent best CBM.....
It’s gonna be
Cap Marvel
Antman 2
Deadpool 2

Huh ? So your saying Shazam is the worst of the new moviesGoing backwards of the most recent best CBM.....
It’s gonna be
Cap Marvel
Antman 2
Deadpool 2
I really liked it . I think it’s mostly critics wanting everything to be like the mcu and even if things are similar to the source material they hate on it not knowing that it’s actually pretty accurate as opposed to a lot of what marvel is doing . It’s nothing wrong with mcus adaptation model but critics wants to run out saying ohhh a move is too dark when actually the characters are acting similar to a run of the character it’s kind of annoying. It’s like enjoy or dislike a movie on its own merits but don’t pretend to be comic expertsYou guys are probably going to hate me for this but I loved it
I know I know. Everyone wanted a dark venom movie. But here’s the thing: venom is goofy as fukk. He swings through the city saying he wants to eat brains and sings to himself as he does it. He can go from being horrific to being silly as hell. And that’s exactly what this movie is. It’s not perfect by any means. It’s a little longer than it needs to be, the cg is shoddy at times, the bad guy’s plot comes through way too late, and it’s weak.
What saves it, is the tone and hardy
I really liked it . I think it’s mostly critics wanting everything to be like the mcu and even if things are similar to the source material they hate on it not knowing that it’s actually pretty accurate as opposed to a lot of what marvel is doing . It’s nothing wrong with mcus adaptation model but critics wants to run out saying ohhh a move is too dark when actually the characters are acting similar to a run of the character it’s kind of annoying. It’s like enjoy or dislike a movie on its own merits but don’t pretend to be comic experts
Huh ? So your saying Shazam is the worst of the new moviesmarvel Stans
I really liked it . I think it’s mostly critics wanting everything to be like the mcu and even if things are similar to the source material they hate on it not knowing that it’s actually pretty accurate as opposed to a lot of what marvel is doing . It’s nothing wrong with mcus adaptation model but critics wants to run out saying ohhh a move is too dark when actually the characters are acting similar to a run of the character it’s kind of annoying. It’s like enjoy or dislike a movie on its own merits but don’t pretend to be comic experts
Yeah I definitely don’t think it’s perfect. I read reviews the same way I discussed movies with my friends as I see a lot of movies. I don’t mind dissenting views but I do like the views ti be based in reasonable expectations.Yeah I’m not getting into all that lol. You and I already know we don’t see eye to eye on critical analysis or the function of a critic. Plus I don’t think they all dumped on it so
I like the movie but like I said, I don’t think it’s perfect. It’s tone is all over the place and like some have pointed out, there are times when no one feels like they’re in the same movie. I think those are legitimate complaints. I like the movie in spite of its flaws mostly because it was batshyt and I had fun with it. But I also don’t expect a movie featuring venom to not be somewhat batshyt. The problem is, at least from a directorial standpoint, is everyone has to be on the same page with what we’re doing and how we’re getting there.
To your point tho, as a society, we have a hard time seeing something from a different angle when we’re used to it being one way. We become indoctrinated with everything going in one direction so when someone decides they want to be different, it’s jarring. And some movies take a while for things to turn around on them after an initial response. Not saying this is one of those movies, but stranger things have happened
Your opinion is the truth ??You don’t wanna do this
If it makes you feel better...... Shazaam may be better than XMen:DP but I’m reserving my opinion on that till as actually see it
But it wasn’t better than any of them other movies and that’s not stanning, just the hard truth.![]()
I clearly said I think . I read the reviews and usually they either say like say Shazam it’s fun family fun like the earlier mcu entries or aquaman the DC Universe is making a effort to be more fun like marvel . ( when they are generally following recent runs of the comics so no they aren’t copying anything ) or venom trying to be edgy and comedic which fits the characters roots . The movies quality isn’t a reflection of that.Respectfully you’re wrong
And the rest just isn’t verified or true
Yeah I definitely don’t think it’s perfect. I read reviews the same way I discussed movies with my friends as I see a lot of movies. I don’t mind dissenting views but I do like the views ti be based in reasonable expectations.
Your opinion is the truth ??Hi Stanley
I clearly said I think . I read the reviews and usually they either say like say Shazam it’s fun family fun like the earlier mcu entries or aquaman the DC Universe is making a effort to be more fun like marvel . ( when they are generally following recent runs of the comics so no they aren’t copying anything ) or venom trying to be edgy and comedic which fits the characters roots . The movies quality isn’t a reflection of that.
Your opinion is the truth ??Hi Stanley
Going backwards of the most recent best CBM.....
It’s gonna be
Cap Marvel
Antman 2
Deadpool 2
Shazam is the best thing on that list, and Aquaman was terrible.
End Game when its all said and done isn't even that memorable compared to Infinity war.
That's what people don't get... After the horrible spiderman 3, we just wanted to see Venom like Venom... And they did all this with a 30 mil budget, when these other comic book movies are doing 150 million and up on theirs, even before marketing costs...They did Venom right, which was the main thing. Also, She-Venom appearance was dope. I just read that story arc recently.
That's what people don't get... After the horrible spiderman 3, we just wanted to see Venom like Venom... And they did all this with a 30 mil budget, when these other comic book movies are doing 150 million and up on theirs, even before marketing costs...
So we have a GREAT actor as Venom, a good starting story, and a wide open lane for BIG BUDGET sequels, tie ins with Spidey's movies, and a real goddamn Carnage for the first time... Played by another GREAT actor
I'm not sure what people wanted/expected
Yea I was upset about that too... But I doubt it would have got to this point if it was R rated horror... It could have been a disaster honestly. We'll see how Spawn does, which is supposed to try and pull off that same feat. Cheap budget but R rated horror comic book movieAlot of people were let down hecause the initial talks were saying this would be a rated R horror
Yea I was upset about that too... But I doubt it would have got to this point if it was R rated horror... It could have been a disaster honestly. We'll see how Spawn does, which is supposed to try and pull off that same feat. Cheap budget but R rated horror comic book movie
Maybe they do more with Carnage. I hope so. I really just see this movie as a stepping stone. The studio didn't believe in it themselves.... Now they do