Official Tupac Biopic "All Eyez On Me" Thread

May 11, 2012
These chicks got my hopes up a few weeks back

When she asked her home girls "Can this compete with Straight Outta Compton?", they looked at her like "Bytch please:what:OF COURSE"

Like this movie just blew that shyt out the water......I'm just reading the expressions and feeling the vibes:whoa:

But that's what I got out of it.

This is one of the best "reviews" available so far

The Ruler 09

Jul 14, 2012
Nothing much

But I always thought that Marvin Gaye song captured Pac's essence.

LT might actually have his mind right!:jbhmm:

It would be dope if the music in the movie was some of the shyt Pac liked and spoke about, in Resurrection there's a list of some of the artists he listens too and that inspired him.
May 11, 2012
May 11, 2012
Lets look at Tupac's life. - Spent his childhood running from the FBI due to the actions of the Shakurs. His step father Mutulu Shakur[3] who was on the ten most wanted list for domestic terrorism. His own mother, spent time in prison on a trial for plotting to blow up New York police departments with the infamous panther 21. His God father was geronimo pratt[4] who was targeted by the FBI illegal Cointelpro. And his god mother is Assata Shakur[5] who is also wanted for domestic terrorism, that Tupacs step-dad broke her out of prison and is now living in Cuba. Bush in 2003 put a $1 million reward on her head during the revival of targeting domestic terrorists at the start of the war on terror - At 16 became the youngest national Chairman of the New African panthers, himself then getting FBI attention. His FBI file, only 104 pages out of 4000 are released to the public, the rest 3896 pages are censored for "National Security". - Quit the New African Panthers when he believed the Nation of Islam infiltrated it, the next leader after Shakur was surprise surprise, a member of the NOI. - Got into a constant war of words with the Nation of Islam throughout his rap career. They would follow him everywhere, trying to make it look like they where associated with him. To get his approval, because he was a Shakur. Tupac hated the Nation of Islam because his family where connected to Malcolm X, and his family blame the Nation for his assassination. - Became famous to the general public when released 2pacalyspe now, becoming the legendary rapper. Immediately denounced by the Vice President Dan Quayle due to its anti-american political content. It was obvious they knew who he was by his second name, even if the average rap fan didn't. - Gets mentioned by name at the Republican Nation Convention From the help of Mutulu Shakur from prison, starts a movement entitled "Thug Life". Tupac helps enforce truces between rival gangs, including the bloods and the crips under "Thug Life". The plan was to get them to stop killing each other, unite, police their communities, and eventually fight the government. He was seducing gang bangers and trying to turn them into soldiers. After that his life turns to shyt and seems to be getting arrested and targeted by police on a weekly basis, most of which is was baseless, but people only remember him getting arrested, not acquitted. His "out of control" image increases. - Two Police officers are beating a black motorist. Tupac approaches them and they fire shots at him. Tupac goes back to his car and gets his gun and returns fire, hitting both officers, one in the thigh and one in the buttocks. The charges are dropped against Tupac when it turns out both officers are intoxicated, and the gun they used to fire against Tupac was stolen from an evidence locker. Everyone else just remembers "Tupac shot two cops". - With the help of Dan Quayle and other Republicans, they persuade family members of slain cops to sue Tupac over his music, stating that his music causes the violence. Seriously, here is even a court video of one of the cases against him in 1995 - The republicans convince Time Warner to drop interscope records due to Tupac being one of their artists. - Two criminals, Haitian Jack and James "Henchman" Rosemand try to extort Tupac. He tells them to fukk off and ends up on their hit list. Both later turn out to be working for the FBI since the late 80s until the late 90s. - Haitian Jack (The FBI Informer) introduces Tupac to a woman, the same woman accuses Tupac of rape and sexual assault. Tupac gets shot by the orders of James Rosemand (another FBI Informer) 5 times in 1994, survives. - Goes to prison for sexual assault, but found innocent of rape. Released after 11 months when new evidence helping prove his innocence is found. The prosecution states they "lost it" and it was not deliberate. - The Jewish Defense League (JDL) threaten to kill Tupac due to his familys politics. He tells them to fukk off. This is in Tupacs (released) FBI files. - Tupac refuses to remain silent about Jimmy Henchman and Haitian Jack, announces them as FBI informers, and publicly humiliates any other rappers being extorted by them, or associated with them (Biggie, Puffy, etc).

That's a template for the movie right there.

Also find if funny how niccaz go :mjlol: when you mention Pac possibly being targeted by the FBI.

When you take a closer look, it's not so crazy


Mar 21, 2014
Lets look at Tupac's life. - Spent his childhood running from the FBI due to the actions of the Shakurs. His step father Mutulu Shakur[3] who was on the ten most wanted list for domestic terrorism. His own mother, spent time in prison on a trial for plotting to blow up New York police departments with the infamous panther 21. His God father was geronimo pratt[4] who was targeted by the FBI illegal Cointelpro. And his god mother is Assata Shakur[5] who is also wanted for domestic terrorism, that Tupacs step-dad broke her out of prison and is now living in Cuba. Bush in 2003 put a $1 million reward on her head during the revival of targeting domestic terrorists at the start of the war on terror - At 16 became the youngest national Chairman of the New African panthers, himself then getting FBI attention. His FBI file, only 104 pages out of 4000 are released to the public, the rest 3896 pages are censored for "National Security". - Quit the New African Panthers when he believed the Nation of Islam infiltrated it, the next leader after Shakur was surprise surprise, a member of the NOI. - Got into a constant war of words with the Nation of Islam throughout his rap career. They would follow him everywhere, trying to make it look like they where associated with him. To get his approval, because he was a Shakur. Tupac hated the Nation of Islam because his family where connected to Malcolm X, and his family blame the Nation for his assassination. - Became famous to the general public when released 2pacalyspe now, becoming the legendary rapper. Immediately denounced by the Vice President Dan Quayle due to its anti-american political content. It was obvious they knew who he was by his second name, even if the average rap fan didn't. - Gets mentioned by name at the Republican Nation Convention From the help of Mutulu Shakur from prison, starts a movement entitled "Thug Life". Tupac helps enforce truces between rival gangs, including the bloods and the crips under "Thug Life". The plan was to get them to stop killing each other, unite, police their communities, and eventually fight the government. He was seducing gang bangers and trying to turn them into soldiers. After that his life turns to shyt and seems to be getting arrested and targeted by police on a weekly basis, most of which is was baseless, but people only remember him getting arrested, not acquitted. His "out of control" image increases. - Two Police officers are beating a black motorist. Tupac approaches them and they fire shots at him. Tupac goes back to his car and gets his gun and returns fire, hitting both officers, one in the thigh and one in the buttocks. The charges are dropped against Tupac when it turns out both officers are intoxicated, and the gun they used to fire against Tupac was stolen from an evidence locker. Everyone else just remembers "Tupac shot two cops". - With the help of Dan Quayle and other Republicans, they persuade family members of slain cops to sue Tupac over his music, stating that his music causes the violence. Seriously, here is even a court video of one of the cases against him in 1995 - The republicans convince Time Warner to drop interscope records due to Tupac being one of their artists. - Two criminals, Haitian Jack and James "Henchman" Rosemand try to extort Tupac. He tells them to fukk off and ends up on their hit list. Both later turn out to be working for the FBI since the late 80s until the late 90s. - Haitian Jack (The FBI Informer) introduces Tupac to a woman, the same woman accuses Tupac of rape and sexual assault. Tupac gets shot by the orders of James Rosemand (another FBI Informer) 5 times in 1994, survives. - Goes to prison for sexual assault, but found innocent of rape. Released after 11 months when new evidence helping prove his innocence is found. The prosecution states they "lost it" and it was not deliberate. - The Jewish Defense League (JDL) threaten to kill Tupac due to his familys politics. He tells them to fukk off. This is in Tupacs (released) FBI files. - Tupac refuses to remain silent about Jimmy Henchman and Haitian Jack, announces them as FBI informers, and publicly humiliates any other rappers being extorted by them, or associated with them (Biggie, Puffy, etc).

That's a template for the movie right there.

Also find if funny how niccaz go :mjlol: when you mention Pac possibly being targeted by the FBI.

When you take a closer look, it's not so crazy
did pac hate the noi

wtf ???? :what:
May 11, 2012
did pac hate the noi

wtf ???? :what:

I heard he almost got into a few altercations with them.Mainly when the FOI did security for the Hughes brothers.

February 1, 1994
Los Angeles County Municipal Court
Case #RO617, The People v. Shakur

The Hughes brothers arrive at court with four bow-tied hired security, presumably the Nation of Islam's Fruit Of Islam. Tupac strolls in twenty minutes later with the completed tracks from last night blasting in his headphones. He sits several rows in front of his brother Mo and his manager Watani, so that he can stare Allen and Albert down while he waits for his case to be called. When the clerk calls the case, "The People v. Shakur," we are informed that there has been a change of venue. We are required to make our way to Division 75, located in a separate building. Two of the Hughes brothers security post themselves outside the courtroom as the Hughes brother's entourage prepare to make their exit. Tupac makes it outside before Allen and Albert and walks up to one the brothas in a bowtie.

"What I wanna know is, since when did y'all start protecting nikkas from other nikkas?" he demands.

The brother is taken off guard but he tries to answer Tupac with a blank military stare. Just then the Hughes brothers come out of the courtroom.

"Aww, you l'il bytch!" Allen Hughes throws up his fists at Tupac. "Put 'em up!"

Tupac's heart ask his ears for a soundcheck. Still, he's not at a loss for words. He begins stripping—he tosses me his walkman.

"L'il bytch? nikka you wasn't saying that shyt when I was whoopin' yo ass all up and down the set of your video!"

"You and about 12 of your nikkas," retorts Allen with new-found confidence.

By now the bodyguards are holding Allen and Albert back and creating a barricade between the two crews, making the mistake of pushing Pac. Le'chelle Wooderd, Tupac's attorney, and I, try and calm Pac down but it's way past that. Before we can say 'chill' Pac has both Hughes brothers, their boy and all four of their security backed up against the wall.

"You gon' need mothafukkin' Farrakhan to calm me down! You got that? Farrakhan! You bean pie slinging, bow-tie wearing bytches. You wear bow-ties, remember that! I'll have nikkas from Crenshaw with AK's and rags up here! nikka, you don't even know who you fukking with—these roots run deep!"

Finally, the sheriff's department come storming around the corner. They throw Tupac against the wall and instruct the Hughes brothers to make their way downstairs.

"Officers. I'm so glad you arrived. These men were trying to attack me! Can you believe that? They tried to attack me with the Nation of Islam. Those are Farrakhan's boys you know." Tupac isn't so hyped that he doesn't know how to feed fat white-boys lies. "I'm so glad you here. I have full confidence in the law's ability to handle the situation." Watani rolls his eyes at Pac and refuses the Sheriff's offer of an escort. After five minutes have passed, the officers allow us in the elevator.

When we get to Division 75, we're searched and seated on separate sides of the courtroom from the Hughes brothers, who arrived five minutes earlier. Two of the bodyguards pull Pac aside. They want to assure him that although they are fans, they were hired by the Hughes brothers. They tell Pac that Allen and Albert are cowards, something he already knows, and seeks Pac's reconciliation.

"This is the only one I'm really guilty of." There are more than four outstanding criminal charges against Tupac, including rape and a possible manslaughter charge. But the Hughes brothers case is the most annoying for him. There is an unspoken law in our community that two Black men should avoid fighting when possible and when they do it, it should be fair and not fatal. Someone loses, someone wins. There may be retaliation. In worst case scenarios it may escalate to into full blow violence and neighborhood wars, but never should it be taken to the police.

As part of evidence, Allen Hughes submits photos taken the day he was beat down by Tupac. Allen claims that Tupac jumped him with a crew of people. Outside of the courthouse Pac denies planning to outnumber the Hughes brothers. "Them nikkas [the one who jumped in once the fight began] knew them [the Hughes brothers] just like they knew me—from around the way. That wasn't my video. That was a Spice One video. I got them nikkas started making videos anyway. Plus, I came ready to kick both they asses myself!" Then with a grin. "Those other nikkas didn't get down with Thug Life until after that shyt happened."

But then later on in one of his last interviews, he said he wouldn't mind being a 5% for life.

He even used snippets from a Farrakhan lecture on White Man's World