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BK The Great

Nov 21, 2015
‘They All F*cking Hate Me!’ Trump Ranted About ‘The Blacks’ After His Response to George Floyd Unrest
By Tommy ChristopherJun 18th, 2021, 8:46 am


Then-President Donald Trump regretted not taking a harder line against protesters in the wake of the late George Floyd’s death, lamenting that “the Blacks” hated him and would never vote for him anyway.

According to Wall Street Journal reporter Mike Bender’s upcoming book “Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost,” excerpted by Politico Playbook, Trump was seething in the immediate aftermath of Mr. Floyd’s murder, and regretting the meager criminal justice reform he had reluctantly supported.

“For Father’s Day in 2020, what DONALD TRUMP mostly wanted was to avoid his son-in-law. It was JARED KUSHNER who had talked the president into hiring BRAD PARSCALE to run a campaign that was now, just months before the election, in freefall. And when most Americans rejected Trump’s unreasonably truculent response to the civil unrest that was sweeping the country, the president also blamed Kushner. … Trump privately told advisers that he wished he’d been quicker to support police and more aggressive in his pushback against protesters.

“Trump had staked nearly his entire campaign in 2016 around a law-and-order image, and now groaned that the criminal justice reform that Kushner had persuaded him to support made him look weak and — even worse — hadn’t earned him any goodwill among Black voters.

“‘I’ve done all this stuff for the Blacks — it’s always Jared telling me to do this,’ Trump said to one confidante on Father’s Day. ‘And they all f—— hate me, and none of them are going to vote for me.’”

Trump could scarcely have been quicker to denounce the unrest around George Floyd’s murder, continuously praising the National Guard crackdown on protests in Minneapolis. But when white insurrectionists attacked the U.S. Capitol, Trump opposed deploying the National Guard, and praised the invaders while the assault was in progress.

In November, 87 percent of Black voters cast their ballots for now-President Joe Biden, according to exit polls.


May 19, 2012
the black cat is my crown...
“‘I’ve done all this stuff for the Blacks — it’s always Jared telling me to do this,’ Trump said to one confidante on Father’s Day. ‘And they all f—— hate me, and none of them are going to vote for me.’”
see, this is why i can't for the life of me understand how a black person could CAPE for trump... not vote for (i could understand that, but i don't agree with), but CAPE for... this whole sentence i quoted above is a bunch of lies... first, trump really didn't do much for us anyhow... second, he had black people in his cabinet, he had black people caping for him and campaigning for him all over the place... lastly, he only won in 2016 because either enough black people voted for him or just stayed home and didn't vote for hillary... yet, in the end his conclusion was none of them are going to vote for me.... why should any black person vote for such a piece of shyt... now, let's look at this in contrast... hillary said half of trump voters belong in basket of deplorables.... half... not all, HALF... and all across the entire political spectrum people were screaming bloody murder, "YOU CAN'T SAY EVERY TRUMP VOTER IS A RACIST OR YOU'LL LOSE ALL THEIR VOTES... OMG!!!!"... yet, hillary never said all, she said HALF.. but, what about trump saying all blacks would vote against him... hmm... is that a winning strategy to get black votes....?