Official Trump Insurrection Rally 1/6/21 Fukkery, NY Probe, DOJ Probe & Georgia Probe Thread!

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

What a weasely little piece of shyt:

Brooks tweeted on Sunday that he had been served with the suit and claimed members of "Swalwell's team" broke into his home and served the lawsuit to his wife.

"@EricSwalwell Well, Swalwell FINALLY did his job, served complaint (on my WIFE). HORRIBLE Swalwell’s team committed a CRIME by unlawfully sneaking INTO MY HOUSE & accosting my wife! Alabama Code 13A-7-2: 1st degree criminal trespass. Year in jail. $6000 fine. More to come!" Brooks tweeted.

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) has been served with a lawsuit filed by Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), days after attorneys for Swalwell said they were having trouble tracking down the Alabama Republican, Brooks and a Swalwell representative confirmed.

The lawsuit accuses Brooks and other allies of former President Trump of provoking the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Speaking to CNN, Philip Andonian, an attorney for Swalwell, shot back at Brooks's claims of unlawful entry.

"No one entered or even attempted to enter the Brooks' house. That allegation is completely untrue. A process server lawfully served the papers on Mo Brooks' wife, as the federal rules allow," Andonian said.

"This was after her initial efforts to avoid service. Mo Brooks has no one but himself to blame for the fact that it came to this," Andonian continued. "We asked him to waive service, we offered to meet him at a place of his choosing. Instead of working things out like a civilized person, he engaged in a juvenile game of Twitter trolling over the past few days and continued to evade service. He demanded that we serve him. We did just that. The important thing is the complaint has been served and Mo Brooks can now be held accountable for his role in inciting the deadly insurrection at the Capitol."

* Purposely demand service and then try to dodge service

* bytch and cry when they finally perform the service you demanded they do

* Lie and claim they broke into your home when they didn't, lie and claim it was "Swalwell's team" when a professional process server did it

I guess this was all part of the "war on whites" he always talks about. :umad:

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Ku$h Parker

I'm Nothin Correctable
May 1, 2012
Prime Minister of S.B. Westside
What a weasely little piece of shyt:

* Purposely demand service and then try to dodge service

* bytch and cry when they finally perform the service you demanded they do

* Lie and claim they broke into your home when they didn't, lie and claim it was "Swalwell's team" when a professional process server did it

I guess this was all part of the "war on whites" he always talks about. :umad:

