Official Trump Insurrection Rally 1/6/21 Fukkery, NY Probe, DOJ Probe & Georgia Probe Thread!

Ku$h Parker

I'm Nothin Correctable
May 1, 2012
Prime Minister of S.B. Westside
Naw, that shyt would be legendary.....:russ:

Trump in a box losing his shyt.....:dead:

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The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
This is why I said the Dems aren’t serious about this and deserve smoke as well as the GOP. This was an attack on the US. A weak attack that had no chance, but an attack nonetheless. And it was not just coordinated by the president, but many people who sit in that chamber.

Crying about delaying the Biden agenda while also hoping to work with the same people who were/are fine with what happened on Jan. 6 is foolish.

This is why I always say #bothsides because these muthafukkas in the democratic party just gonna let them skate when they (Republicans) was down with what the mob was doing. When is enough enough?!?:beli:

The axe murderer

For I am death and I ride on a pale horse
Aug 27, 2015
The assumed outcome shouldn't always be the goal imo. I think folks, a lot of the public, in particular, fail to understand the seriousness of what happened on Jan 6th. The trial is helping in informing the public and historical record as much as it is for convincing senators to vote to convict.

We have a lot of historical parallels, with the biggest being the Roman Republic, where this same situation plays out and is part of the overall decay and decline of a constitutional republic into authoritarianism and dictatorship. This is another salvo in an increasingly authoritarian and anti-democratic right-wing party that is outwardly explaining that they are done with machinations of the Democratic system and willing to effectively install a president for life as long as their political power is maintained. Folks lived through a coup attempt and don't even know it. You can't let that slide.


I honestly couldn't say if this is as important or more important than the COVID issue. This is an existential crisis for a government and a lot of people either don't want to believe or don't know enough to believe it to be the case.

You lose your government and all the issues we have right now are multiplied. You got to set an example in pushing back against this full throttle. No compromise.
Facts. This is not where its gonna end.


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
The assumed outcome shouldn't always be the goal imo. I think folks, a lot of the public, in particular, fail to understand the seriousness of what happened on Jan 6th. The trial is helping in informing the public and historical record as much as it is for convincing senators to vote to convict.

We have a lot of historical parallels, with the biggest being the Roman Republic, where this same situation plays out and is part of the overall decay and decline of a constitutional republic into authoritarianism and dictatorship. This is another salvo in an increasingly authoritarian and anti-democratic right-wing party that is outwardly explaining that they are done with machinations of the Democratic system and willing to effectively install a president for life as long as their political power is maintained. Folks lived through a coup attempt and don't even know it. You can't let that slide.


I honestly couldn't say if this is as important or more important than the COVID issue. This is an existential crisis for a government and a lot of people either don't want to believe or don't know enough to believe it to be the case.

You lose your government and all the issues we have right now are multiplied. You got to set an example in pushing back against this full throttle. No compromise.
White conservatives are fascist point blank period. The right don’t believe in democracy they care about power. You have a majority of the GQP who believe violence is the only way they can retain power. Why have they have been on this 60 year campaign to control federal courts? Because that will allow them on their quest of right wing authoritarianism. Why they pass voter suppression laws? To maintain white power and dominance.
The worship the military, police and paramilitary militias is textbook fascism. People in the US don’t think it could happen here because this country has been living in a bubble since it’s inception. And it’s rise to power has happened very quickly so it creates this illusion of exceptionalism. But America isn’t immune to fascism. It could happen here all it takes is a major crisis. And the scary thing is this country has never experienced a time of major loss in a war or (ala Russia after World War 1) or massive economical devastation (ala Weimar Germany). Vietnam wasn’t nothing. 9/11 wasn’t that devastating. The 2008 recession didn’t do much damaged to the country except further destroying the middle class. Covid-19 has been bad but we will recover from it quickly. If this country ever has a real deal crisis you will see this country’s true colors. Climate change will the wildcard in all of this. America goes through 80 year political cycles and 50 year economic cycles. 2020 was the end of the Roosevelt political cycle and Reagan economic cycles This decade and the 2030s will determine the path America goes. Trump and the GQP must not get away with what they did on Jan 6. Him getting off scot free sends a very dangerous message and sets a dangerous precedence.
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Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
You saying this as if we as black folks don't know...:mjpls: but cacs staying on code either they gonna let this white supremacists cancer fester and consume the country or they gonna cut it out there's no other way around it...:manny: they in denial but this is what it's gonna boil down to. No long winded posts gotta explain it, this is the cacs war to fight...
If you live in the country, you can't separate yourself from the outcome by simply saying it is white people's problem. You live here and I assume your family and loved ones do too.

A lot of Americans are really comfortable with their way of life and relative stability and despite all the issues here, never had to deal with a coup or an overthrown government. They don't understand how much worse things can be for them, including black folks. A power increase among the Three Percenters, Oath Keepers, Alt-right, and White supremacist extremists is not the desired outcome.

P.S. This is higher learning. You have to expect more thought out posts here.

P.P.S. The fact we can openly and freely discuss these things on a message board without fear of violence or imprisonment is a testament to what we have now and what we can lose. 71% of internet users in the world lived in countries where laws are on the books that they can be imprisoned for speech on the internet. We are lucky to be part of the 29%. These small things are underappreciated by the American public because we lived with these all our lives and never known anything different.
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