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I'm talking about Surtur
Ok got cha ... i was like damn all these years and didnt know that bout Hulk
I'm talking about Surtur
the way marfooL keeps nerfing and doing Thor so dirty in the movie renditions should be a crime
my #2 fav marvel comic getting bushed every second and tony going toe to toe with himwhen will justice be made smh
No Natalie Portman love story this time and he won't be on Earth much. I hope we finally get a decent Thor movie
What's a god to a nonbeliever?the way marfooL keeps nerfing and doing Thor so dirty in the movie renditions should be a crime
my #2 fav marvel comic getting bushed every second and tony going toe to toe with himwhen will justice be made smh
No Natalie Portman love story this time and he won't be on Earth much. I hope we finally get a decent Thor movie
Because it's not faux hate. It's a steaming pile.of garbage.The 2nd one was decent..... it was the one that actually everything everyone always has "faux" outrage about when it comes to Marvel movies and villains
Darker? CHECK
Less comedy? CHECK (were their a few jokes, yes... but nothing on the level of Antman, Guardians, etc)
A villain that was a credible threat? Lets see, killed Thor's mom, left his world in shambles...... CHECK
Solid story? CHECK
Dont see the point of the faux hate for it
Because it's not faux hate. It's a steaming pile.of garbage.
Despite showing off some amazing sounding concept art at Comic-Con yesterday for Thor: Ragnarok, Marvel Studios decided against releasing it online. Thankfully, we now have some more detailed descriptions about what it containted courtesy of IGN and Slash Film. For starters, Surtur isn't the only newly revealed villain who will be showing up as the Fenris Wolf was also spotted, and he's destined on the day of Ragnarok to stand at the side of his father Loki, as they ushered in the Twilight of the Gods.
It makes sense that he was there then given the movie's title, though the character who goes through the biggest change in Thor: Ragnarok will be the God of Thunder himself by the sound of it. He was spotted with short hair, war paint on his face, and no costume. Could that be Unworthy Thor?
As we reported last night, Surtur was also shown, though we now know that the concept art depicted Thor leaping into battle against him. The Grandmaster meanwhile reportedly doesn't have his trademark blue skin or white hair and just looked like Jeff Goldblum in space! It remains to be seen whether or not that will change, but this is definitely sounding like 2017's second most epic comic book movie. The first? Well, after that trailer, many could argue that place belongs to Justice League...
The REAL reason we can't get a solo Hulk joint:we don't need another Hulk movie. Bruce Banner can't carry a movie. No one is getting a solo movie from this point forward, they're always gonna inject another character into it, so this Hulk and Thor pairup is brilliant.
Why when there's gonna be a Carol Danvers Captain Marvel movie coming out?Unfortunately they HAVE to make a Widow movie to appease the feminists.
Whether you agree or not Kevin Feige already confirmed a Widow movie is coming. I'm looking forward to Ms. Marvel thoughWhy when there's gonna be a Carol Danvers Captain Marvel movie coming out?
you can get the fukk outta here w the hulk hatewe don't need another Hulk movie. Bruce Banner can't carry a movie. No one is getting a solo movie from this point forward, they're always gonna inject another character into it, so this Hulk and Thor pairup is brilliant.
same reason we don't need a fukkin Widow movie... and if they insist, they might as well make it a Widow/Hawkeye movie, and add one of the major characters in for half the movie. she was basically the co-lead in Winter Soldier anyway. Count up her screen time in the MCU and it easily adds up to a movie.