I find it quite interesting with all the shuffling going on with diff writers and producers leavin the show. And alot of talk was they were burning through the comics too quick, and also lots of talk on budget size, and wanting more elaborate sets. ppl got fired, and look at the last 2 episodes, basically rick n morgan in a room for a whole show. then rick n gov in a room for a whole show. talk bout scaling back budgets and slowing down da plot.
these last 2 episodes are really telling what the next season is gonna look like. Yeah sure they'll end dis season wit a big bang n fight, the woodbury set and prison sets r already built. but bsides that, i think next season da show is gonna get slow n drawn out. As compared to that 1st season where every other episode they were somehwere completely new.
the prison is more telling than anything. we've spent the entire season @ the prison but they've only focused on one building inside the prison. they haven't explored the armory, the infirmary, the library, the gym, etc.
the people in charge are damaging their long term gains by being so cheap with the budget. especially considering the show brings in record breaking ratings.