This show man.....
I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of someone literally breaking through my bedroom door. Like how a SWAT team uses an enforcer to raid a household.
......the door was shut. Nobody had came in....I even got up to check to see if anyone was in the hallway. Everybody else was asleep.

This shyt happened at around 2am.
So now I'm up and can't fall back asleep. I get on the phone to call my bank and get put on hold. Out of nowhere I hear the sound of someone breathing heavily (this shyt rivaled Tony Soprano's) in and out on some slasher flick shyt. This nikka would NOT STOP! I hung up and called back. I threw my hahas in to the operator afterwards, telling her what a nice stunt that was considering Halloween is right around the corner.
.....she tells me she has no clue what I'm talking about and that she'll report it to her security team. Now I'm fukking spooked.