Probably after midnight the thing its midnight in a lot of places right now.Man, when it go live on Prime?
Man, when it go live on Prime?
Ain't finish the episode but if A-Train don't run up on Blue Hawk then damn he pathetic
Dude better be dead by the end of the episode
Your right I can understand A-train looking the other way when other people are getting screw over in or kill that are not close to him like supersoinc but not his brother that family A-train has got to kill that racist a$$hole also do any one think that this A-train story line this season is subtle racial social commentary way of talking about black people in the police force having to decide rather they are black before there blueDude let him hit a bunch of Black people, including his own brother and nothing
What a ho
It's crazy that this show is so much better than the source material
Dude is so desperate to be in the game that he thinks he's still actually in itYour right I can understand A-train looking the other way when other people are getting screw over in or kill that are not close to him like supersoinc but not his brother that family A-train has got to kill that racist a$$hole also do any one think that this A-train story line this season is subtle racial social commentary way of talking about black people in the police force having to decide rather they are black before there blue