Others already did that but like I said carry on kid
And they failed. Feel free to counter any of the points i raised or the Screenrant article that dove deeper into the mythos than i care to at this time.
Others already did that but like I said carry on kid
And just for me. The fact Snyder tied the oil rig flashback with the bus rescue drama gave me personally the impression the act of saving people is conflict for him.More cap.. BECAUSE.. he didn't just turn into a 'drifter' searching for purpose. That was part of it but he NEVER stopped helping humans. Does the oil rig ring a bell to you??
While I enjoyed all 3 movies, Black Widow and Eternals could be considered misses. I think Shang Chi overperformed based on the status of the character as completely unknown prior to the film.
Real quick, not to get in the way of a good argument, but at what point do you all figure out you’re not going to change anyones minds and just shake hands, say good game, and move on?
Cap. More BS and i will call it out every time. Even as a child he's shown with his cape imagining himself as a hero and by grade school he's saving his classmates from a bus accident.
Pa didn't tell him to do that... Pa actually told him not to because people weren't ready.. which was true. But he even then at a young age was doing that because he felt it was the right thing to do.. it was inherent. Yeah.. he struggled with humans at times because it was a more grounded approach to the character there was gonna be internal conflict..
But he was always good.. he was always a hero.
You just made my point.
The parents are the reinforcement. They are supposed to nurture that desire so when he’s an adult he doesn’t become the drifter.
If someone showed talent for music but their guardians were like nah. Don’t bother, people are going to hate you and your music… you.d probably consider it bad that they didn’t help that person with their gift.
That’s not grounded. It’s just lazy. Being a good musician is hard. Being a good person is hard. Artificially creating conflict isn’t hard.
The idea to distrust people of Earth, who he should want to protect as his home, and not stand firm as the kid you see in the beginning( that you pointed out) is the problem. Pa Kent/Snyder cuts his “good” legs from under him. Instead of gaining confidence from doing the right thing despite the risk he’s a nervous wreck who wanders the Earth looking for purpose.
Which again is fine. But how they got that drifter to Superman was lazy and uninspired. He’s just outed like a gay man.
Exactly breh, i keep thinking the thread boosting cause ticket sales been announced and peons in here debating God knows whatFukking lames in here![]()
Another Man of Steel thread![]()
at what point do you all figure out you’re not going to change anyones minds and just shake hands, say good game, and move on?
@hex can you close this thread til a week before![]()
Fukking lames in here![]()
Another Man of Steel thread![]()
Exactly breh
I think he’s almost convinced. Give him another day or twoReal quick, not to get in the way of a good argument, but at what point do you all figure out you’re not going to change anyones minds and just shake hands, say good game, and move on?