Lowkey, tho, if creative control was potentially demanded by Ben, then you know he wasn't feeling everything going into BvS and the hands that wanted input.
You Will Probably See Your Favorite Villain In Affleck’s BATMAN Movie
Who will be the villain in The Batman*, to be directed by Ben Affleck? A lot of people are speculating that it'll be a version of Under the Red Hood, in which dead Robin Jason Todd returns from the grave as a vengeful villain. I'm hearing that is not the case (and it's smart to avoid - it would look too much like DC is doing their own Winter Soldier at this point). To be fair, I don't know who the actual villain of the movie will be, but my sources have told me this:
Many, if not most, members of Batman's rogue's gallery will be making appearances in the film. It's going to be crammed with Bat villains, which means that just about every major bad guy you've ever wanted to see in a movie will be in this movie. According to my sources Affleck and Geoff Johns, who has been working with him on the film, want to make the definitive Batman film. They want to tell the ultimate Batman story, and to do so they're going to bring in all the big guns. They're going to have a big, sprawling Bat universe already in place.
My guess is that most of these will be cameos, possibly characters appearing in Arkham Asylum (could they be doing a weird adaptation of Arkham Asylum? That's just a total piece of speculation). But that still means we're gonna have a lot of villains showing up, which means a lot of interesting casting, and a lot of interesting possibilities for future films. This certainly fits in with the larger DC movieverse model, which is to introduce everything already developed in one fell swoop as opposed to building it up. When it comes to Batman I'm actually very okay with this - everybody in the world knows who The Penguin and The Riddler are, and we don't need to watch their first meeting with Batman yet again.
Which Bat villains do you hope make the cut for The Batman? If these are just cameos the possibilities for truly interesting casting are endless - which Bat baddie would Matt Damon play?
* not the official title, but it's good, and if we all use it enough maybe WB will use it too.
I don't believe one word of that. Birth Movies Death makes Heroic Hollywood look like AP News.I hate posting shyt from this nikka but here
Sounds like Arkham Orgins when they put a bounty on him
BATMAN-ON-FILM.COM - RUMOR: Could Ben Affleck's Solo Batflick Be Set In Arkham Asylum? (7.15.16)
Before I continue, file this under the “Take with a grain of salt” category, OK? However, it comes from a couple of good FOBOF’s, it’s just scuttlebutt, and, well, kinda cool. Therefore, I thought I’d share.
According to this rumor, the solo Batfleck Batflick would involve Batman being locked up in Arkham. For what reason? I have no idea. For how long? No idea on that either. But, it does jibe with the buzz about "a lot of Batman villains" possilbly being included in Mr. Affleck’s solo Batman film. Such a storyline would be very different from what we’ve seen in the previous Batman movies as well.
None of the FOBOF’s that told me this believe it’s a straight-up adaptation of the ARKHAM ASYLUM video game, or Grant Morrison’s ARKHAM ASYLUM: A SERIOUS HOUSE ON A SERIOUS EARTH. I’d assume that Affleck and Geoff Johns – who are co-writing the screenplay – would only be taking inspiration from each. Remember, Ben Affleck himself has said his Batman film would be an original story, but he would also borrow from various great Batman comic book stories.
I gotta admit, it’s an interesting rumor and an interesting premise. (Though it sounds a bit like David Goyer’s SUPERMAX project – which in turn sounded a lot like ARKHAM ASYLUM.)
For an update on the solo Batfleck Batflick from Mr. Affleck himself, CLICK HERE.
this movie needs to be a prequel to BvS, where we can see jason todd dying and seeing why batman is as ruthless as he is today.
Hopefully nightwing makes an appearance
this movie needs to be a prequel to BvS, where we can see jason todd dying and seeing why batman is as ruthless as he is today.
Hopefully nightwing makes an appearance
I think in this universe Nightwing/dikk Grayson was the Robin who died and not Jason Todd
I think in this universe Nightwing/dikk Grayson was the Robin who died and not Jason Todd
Seeing all them assembled with Joker at the forefront leading a riot would bethe chance to see Batman's rogue gallery in a Ben Affleck written and directed movie.
A batman movie like raid would be A1the chance to see Batman's rogue gallery in a Ben Affleck written and directed movie.
Batman + Raid =![]()