There was no threat of nuclear war for quite a while before the Berlin wall came down. Are you 50+?
On Sept. 1, 1983, Korean Air Lines Flight 007 was shot down by Soviet jet fighters. On the 26th, a Soviet early warning station under the command of Stanislav Petrov falsely detected 5 inbound intercontinental ballistic missiles from the US. Petrov correctly assessed the situation as a false alarm, and hence did not report his finding to his superiors. It is quite possible that his actions prevented "World War III", as the Soviet policy at that time was immediate nuclear response upon discovering inbound ballistic missiles.
I'm 36, and you're wrong. Define "real threat". Able Archer 83, which was just a training exercise, almost started a nuclear war in '83:
Able Archer 83 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Again in '83:
Nuclear warfare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not to mention the real-life events that inspired this latest ep of "The Americans". The U.S. had 3 "nuclear footballs" in play due to Reagan getting shot. You only need one to end the world.
Noticed a mistake. No big deal but was kindaconsidering the show nails the 80s so accurately.
In the scene where Phillip knocks the two guys out and money flies all over the room, some of the bills are "big face" 100s. That bill wasn't issued until '95 or '96. The show takes place in '81.
I caught that too but whatever this is my new favorite show, but watch it get canceled just because I'm so into it
ill Phil![]()
Phillip's disguises are something else![]()
Phillip's disguises are something else![]()