The hell does that have to do with anything? The point was RUN DMC was mainstream enough to get invited to the biggest concert in the world at the time. Log into The Coli and cats are talking like nobody knew who they were. How old were you in 1985?
2. Wrong. The Duffer Bros. have said they were influenced by
everything from the 80's. Not just "monster films" or "creature features". Which brings me to #4....
3. How many monster films/shows feature a promo with MJ?
Which is the point of the series. "Hey, look at the 80's!".
Every episode has 15-20 random references to pop culture from the 80's. 90% of them have nothing to do with the type of genre you're talking about. Everything from John Hughes movies, to "Red Dawn". This show has more 80's references, than actual 80's movies. Because again, that's the point.
the shyt ain't important. I said a throwaway comment 4 days ago and cats came in here on some
"do you want the Demogorgon to break dance?!"