All Star
Let me guess you have been the author of many periodicals and scripts? You guys keep pointing out the most obvious shyt, shyt that we all see and you think you're the only one that notices. The Game of Thrones has a lot of predictable dumb shyt, Breaking Bad the same, the Sopranos the same.Still doesn't make a lick of sense. It takes nothing to get up on a nikka and body him. Especially when you know he ain't holding shyt. The whole storyline is trash, but it produces entertainment, and that's all you guys seem to be interested in. The show is written terribly. Especially the whole Ghost/Kanan shyt.
Talking about it's written poorly, but the writers are pros and have several fukking movies and tv shows under their belt. Sideline as nikka always point fingers. Get in the game nikka and write a better one.