This show is going to sons of anarchy levels of bad writing. They're trying make ghost look like hes smart and 3 steps ahead of everyone so bad that they're insulting the audiences intelligence to do it. Dude just knew his phone was cloned.
Lobos is super gay now?

Hes the head of a mexican cartel and reps the rainbow. Then again it makes sense because hes obviously smarter than whoever runs that other cartel he's beefing with. They sent the worlds stupidest assassin ever. Lobos is naked in a pool getting head and his goon is right behind her and she shoots the smallest threat first instead of the guy behind her

Lobos was naked and at least 5 feet away from a gun and this chick took one shot like she had the golden gun. Good help is hard to find.
I feel like the duffel bag Thomas had didn't have anything in it, but i feel like that would have been a big deal worth mentioning but we already know how these writer feel about details