And they didn't need iron man to do that at all.
He could have just stuck with recruiting him. Which if we are being real here,spidey was incredibly forced, I don't believe peter would just jump into a battle like that on little information to go on. And then gets a truck thrown on him which for all cap knows could murder him all in the name of defending a murderer....but I digress.
It was just like the changes raimi made of removing the Web shooters. It undermines the character to once again prop up stark because....?
Changes to characters origins shouldn't be based on potential box office money...which was a lame excuse and makes no sense anyway. I mean I thought yall are always claiming disney does this for the love of the game and it's only the other studios that force things for cash
In one breath yall claim you're sick of companies forcing wolverine and batman into film stories because it's based on money but then excuse disney doing the same thing with iron man
He could have just stuck with recruiting him. Which if we are being real here,spidey was incredibly forced, I don't believe peter would just jump into a battle like that on little information to go on. And then gets a truck thrown on him which for all cap knows could murder him all in the name of defending a murderer....but I digress.
It was just like the changes raimi made of removing the Web shooters. It undermines the character to once again prop up stark because....?
Changes to characters origins shouldn't be based on potential box office money...which was a lame excuse and makes no sense anyway. I mean I thought yall are always claiming disney does this for the love of the game and it's only the other studios that force things for cash

In one breath yall claim you're sick of companies forcing wolverine and batman into film stories because it's based on money but then excuse disney doing the same thing with iron man