who is Eddie Brock? Zack Sabre Jr?!?!
who is Eddie Brock? Zack Sabre Jr?!?!
Anybody can't be as bad as Topher grace....right?right?!?who is Eddie Brock? Zack Sabre Jr?!?!
Yeah. I mean I get that it it was very very thin. It was contrived and forced.
Which for me outside of spectacle and in context of the film is why the airport scene did not work it felt like it something that was story boarded before the script had been written. Tonally and story wise the scene made little sense and stuck out badly in the film when scrutinized for logic in a film that's very serious and fairly dour and then throws all that out the window to insert characters for flimsy reasons has them play fight while spotting quips and then the movie shifts right back to serious again after the scene. I don't know all I read was everything made perfect sense and as I watched the scene I couldn't help but think about how oddly it stuck out in the film.
The cap/bucky/stark fight worked better for me and was the best scene in the film.
But I digress
Yeah. I mean I get that it it was very very thin. It was contrived and forced.
Which for me outside of spectacle and in context of the film is why the airport scene did not work it felt like it something that was story boarded before the script had been written. Tonally and story wise the scene made little sense and stuck out badly in the film when scrutinized for logic in a film that's very serious and fairly dour and then throws all that out the window to insert characters for flimsy reasons has them play fight while spotting quips and then the movie shifts right back to serious again after the scene. I don't know all I read was everything made perfect sense and as I watched the scene I couldn't help but think about how oddly it stuck out in the film.
The cap/bucky/stark fight worked better for me and was the best scene in the film.
But I digress
Agreed.Word I feel that. I also don't think the cap bucky stark scene gets enough love because its easily the best fight in the movie and outside of the spidey stuff its my favorite bit. Everything feels earned the stakes are incredibly high and its emotional as hell. That entire third act really is just dope filmmaking
I'll probably just accept that but that's exactly what I thought. For high school peter he's perfect.yea prodigal was right ion like holland size, dude is already in his early 20 right and dnt seem lke he''l be growing, so in the next say 5 years what are they gonna do when he shld be a decent height adult?
Between Panther, Doom and others there was a list of all the wealthiest characters in the comics beforeReal question...in the comics, whose net worth is higher?
Who's the richest character? T'Challa?
I fukks with @Bruce Wayne too but facts are facts
The parallels are uncanny though
My nikka Downey Jr/@Ironman got a little buzz but he's going on reckless out in these streets, catches five hot ones and nikkas think its a wrap for him. Meanwhile Bruce Wayne killing the game, going back to back multi platinum with 'pain is love' and 'Wayne 3:36'. RDJ gets back on his grind though and cliques up with marvel unit, burning up the streets with the independent releases and mix tapes. They so hot that Disneyscope/Buena Vistamath throw them a ridiculous cheque but my nikka RDJ wants more - he wants to be the Head nikka in charge. So he's out here screaming 'fukk DC' coming for Ja Wayne's head. Now ironman got the Juice with all types of multiplat and diamond records but Bruce lays in the cut waiting for it all to blow over. Streets is talking though anticipating what Bruce Rule gonna come with next and word is Bruce Rule about to drop that fire. Them singles drop with all kinds of big features and by now them streets are burning up. Zack Gotti & Detective comics Incorporated are out here taking all kinds of big shyt but the Blood in my eye release date finally comes round....and this ain't it. Nikkas left it too long, the damage is done so Bruce Rule and Detective Comics incorporated catch a major brick
Yeah I took some libraries with the story but it's my story nikkas and it was fire![]()
I just sat there in the civil war thread and said I loved the movie and can't wait to get it on blu ray. I've said in this thread that I loved spider man in the movie and also said on this message board numerous times that I love iron man 3 and guardians and other marvel flicks. Just because I have a criticism doesn't mean I don't love it. Take your Stan panties off and relax lol. I know you feel like any criticism must mean I don't adore it but that's not how the world works or how critics works. Ease up relax have a coke and smile
this post instantly reminded me of why I loved the lincoln/tombstone introduction in spectacular, i thought the reveal was gonna be fisk then next thing you know a cat with a brotha's voice is whoopin dudes ass w/ more agility than him i was likeI'm probably in the minority on this one but I love dark shots of spidey. One reason I loved amazing so much. There's just an inherit contrast of this bugs bunny type character against a dark world even though there's a lot of darkness in his past. It almost brings that stuff out of him