Let me decode that for everyone, "Marvel can do no wrong by these MCU stans"
They killed Amazing Spiderman because Peter wasn't nerdy enough,meanwhile MCU Spidey had the most popular girl in school interested.
And his nerdiness doesn't seem to be holding him back from enjoying life either way. Doesn't seem like a weirdo or an outcast whatsoever,just a kid with different interest. Who has a big group of friends who have similar interest

At least the Garfield and Tobey versions were both outcast with no friends for whatever reason.,except Harry of course smh. I'm convinced they feel they need to try to show us Peter is a nerd because idiots got so upset about the Garfield version not being nerdy enough. I really think thats the reason we had to go all the way back to highschool. Marvel had to show you all that Peter likes to play with lego sets,and is on the debate team. Really? whats the point when you grow up to be over 6 ft tall,with the chiseled body of a triathlete,dating a supermodel,practically a comedian? Who cares you USED to be a seen as a nerd

. Such an overated aspect of Spiderman,writers should have just given him a Luscious Fox.