Skully is Manboy's sister baby daddy. The little girl that Leon accidentally killed was Skully's daughter and Manboy's niece.
Manboy is Skully's girlfriend's brother.
Skully's girl is Manboy's sister.
Outside of the gang shyt, we got a little hint at what would cause the issues. Think I talked about it in last season's thread, I'll see if I can find it.
But first time we see Skully, he keeps hitting Manboy with the "You getting big now", "you lifting weights" big brother type shyt. He's definitely 10-15 years older than Manboy and still sees him as a little kid. That shyt would seep through in decision making, how much of a cut Manboy would get.
You could tell Manboy wouldn't like that shyt for too long.
Thanks for the clarification. But yeah, I remembered that there was some kinda connection between them. It be like that sometimes, the ones you closest to end up being your enemy.
Either way, Leon is persona non grata now. Everyone’s individual story seems to be getting more adverse by the episode. Makes you wonder who blinks first. More masterful writing from Baba Walter