Cool Dr. Money
I’m Lil Jimmy but my boys call me J-Murder!
I liked the finale 

Leon starting all that shyt and now sitting off on the side with the![]()
I don't have an answer for that one. Saint definitely wasn't a CIA agent. I'll go back to check how he initially met Reid and their reactions. I know Avi was the common factor on both sides. Saint wanting to step up. Reid trying to maintain his cover.
A lot of that "dream sequence" appeared to be real events. I'll eventually go back and rewatch the 1st season again, now knowing what we know.
Fukk what y’all talking they would’ve been better off just adapting the book
Franklin is officially a CIA operative
Yea it's pretty easy to tell that Wanda was to Leon what Mel was to Franklin.Oh my. Now we see why Leon took Wanda becoming a crackhead so personally.
It's an alternative reality where Franklin doesn't sell coke and the government (Reed) sees an intelligent black kid with potential and decides to aid him as oppose to introducing him to a more negative lifestyle.Yeah, bruhs I'm
So I actually liked the flashback/dream sequence.... But im still confused, I always wondered about his back story. But it was too many elements to make me think it's fake. Leon and Wanda had baby, Auntie was pregnant, Reid being at his school and randomly visiting him at home, and Andre shooting Karvel....