Also I didn't really like how Franklin talked to Leon like that in the car. Leon has put in WORK for Franklin. Gotten his hands dirty and everything. I like that he didn't do it in front of Manboy but Leon is your day one and is your top soldier!
I said the same thing about Kevin,now here we are again with Leon. Leon is being stupid,but if he don't like Manboy why not just say fukk Manboy? You didn't exactly come to do do business with Manboy on the best of terms anyway. Leon got better street instincts then Franklin still,now watch what happens when Leon is right about Manboy being somebody they shouldn't be fukking with

. Lets just hope Leon ain't going to have to be the one to die to prove himself right. Suprised you have no sympathy for any of the characters,I have sympathy for damn near all of them,yet dislike them for shyt that they do which is whats great. I hate how cold Franklin has become vs the innocent kid he was,but cheer him to be that so he can survive the game. Feel bad for what happened to Franklin last episode but hate what he did to Mel. Hate what Mel did but feel sorry for Mel. Hated Kevin for selling away the recipe behind his peoples back,but knew he was right and didn't deserve to die. Sympathize with Franklins mama but hate that she comprimised her morals after being so dead set against it. I even feel bad for crazy ass Wanda