another minor complaint, while i understand and appreciate that this is meant to appeal to the asian audience. The obvious wire work, which is clearly meant as a nod to old school asian kung fu movies, still feels a bit out of place in the mcu. Should've still went for more realism like they do with the other movies when it comes to the special effects. Jackie Chan Style pratical looking stunts >>>> for the MCU.
Now Most people are probably going to disagree with this but i will explain why i think this.
For his solo film its great and i'm sure people will love it. Not going to hurt this film in the least. What it will do though is make his crossover appearances fell stunted. When he's not doing that in the next avengers movie people are going to ask why, or opposite if everyone is suddenly doing that because he's in the movie people are going to be confused. But then again i haven't read shang chi in a while, but in the day he was just a regular martial artist, heard he has super powers now so maybe he's on some scarlett witch type of stuff.