strawberry bubblegum
You know you had good sex when you wake up and feel like you did a full body workout the day before.
Unless you want to look like a hipster Indian, nay.I need a new pair of shoes because my other pair ripped, yay or nay?
Unless you want to look like a hipster Indian, nay
I can't say that fringe is my style, but if you like em, go for it.I already look like a hipster indian
I can't say that fringe is my style, but if you like em, go for it.
You know you had good sex when you wake up and feel like you did a full body workout the day before.
I need to stay off LHCF. They're starting to get on my nerves. Besides, I'm pretty sure Bev is going to put on her red pointy shoes, click them three times and ban me anyway...
You just had bad timing. You know they are schitzo over there when it comes to Serena. She's a bit much...
They banned me for trolling. How fukking ironic is that
that's fukked up! Permanently?!
That's such bs.
Yep :ti:
It non matter. My main purpose for being a member there was for the hair forum. I can still see that.