All Star
IV's hurt 

LOL!!I understand that. I understand him being hurt and I would be too but Mellie? I'd be cool if he just shut everyone out but don't turn to her, Fitzy. The truth of the matter is that he needs Cyrus and Olivia and as soon as he gets over himself, the better he will be. Hurt and all.
Olivia fukked up, but I think what took her over the top was when his father said he'd never win and then when he was taking the axe to the wood and he told her he really wanted it and started crying in her bosom. If you love someone how do you not do what's in your power to help them? Especially when you know you can help them. God that has to be conflicting. Off topic but I want to give Huck and bath and swaddle him in a home-made blanket. He seems so helplessly dangerous.
IV's hurt![]()
I say a mint green or something along those lines; it's a pretty color.what color should i paint my nails this upcoming week?.