Okay, so like, a couple days ago. I was on my way home from class but I decided to go to the store because tbh, i didn't feel like going to the store any other day since i was already out and about so i stopped at the nearest Kroger that was on the bus line. And not 1 minute later, some older guy just started chatting me up. and since I'm nice and didn't want to be rude that day, i was pretty

and everything was just so creepy. from the shyt he was saying to him touching all over me (If you're a stranger - you're lucky you even get a handshake from me - really, I hate to be touched by strangers. especially if i pick up a bad vibe from them) So I was trying to excuse myself to go to the store..but the old dude would.not.stop.fukking talking. So i just said it the last time and just went...He was talm' bout "I won't go anywhere..." And In my mind, I was thinking "god, i hope you do - so you would leave me alone"

but i just said "okay".
So I was in the store longer than expected because I almost didn't find what I was looking for and almost forgot what I was looking for. So eventually, I did miss the time for the bus. So I thought nothing of it, It'll come around again soon. So I went back to the bus stop I was at. (I didn't know where some other one would be at and i didn't want to get lost). So I seen that creepy older guy standing at another bus stop talking with someone so i had peace and solitude...Or so I thought until he walked back over here (

) And he kept talking some more about "you are the one" "I'm humble, wouldn't cheat, blah blah blah" And I stated again, I wasn't interested. but he just.wouldn't.fukking.give up.. So by that time, I was irate and was even though the bus wait was 10-15 minutes. It felt like hours to me. But I still kept my compusure and asked what was in his cup just to change the subject. He said it was water but it had a red tint. So i rephrased my question..still said water so I'm just "ugh...fine, okay" and he literally asked me did I want a taste....from his cup...whom I don't know...
So he kept touching me (when I told him more than THREE fukkING TIMES TO STOP BEFORE) And when I mean touching, I'm not just talking about like a handshake or a poke or even an arm around a shoulder....shyt, it was beyond buddy-buddy and I was
very uncomfortable...Not to mention I smelled alcohol on his breathe.
But then the bus finally came and I don't think I've ever been even that happy to see a bus in my life. So I told him "welp, my bus is here, gotta go!"
Him:" But you never gave me your number..."
Me: "...I did..." (it was a fake number)
Him " Come on! Why does it have to be like this?! Give me a hug."
Me: - gives him not even a half hug - just so he would leave me alone and proceeds to rush to get on the bus)
Him: -goes right in front of me to hug me"
So at this point, I just had enough of being nice and just lost it. " What are you doing?!?! I have to get on the bus!!! Quit hugging me!!!!!" So I just lost it and didn't even bother to keep my composure anymore.
Him "I'm not harming her!!!

" - and he finally backs off-
But the look I seen on the bus driver's face...I knew that look from anywhere...It was like she was ready to attack him. There seemed to be something else too, But I couldn't make from it too much since I only glanced and I was just ready to get away from him by any means necessary. Regardless, I thanked her. I didn't hear anything from her or even see her facial expression. I just know I wanted to get away.
This has been bothering me for these past few days. And I'm not sure why. But I needed to get it off my chest (and my mind). One of these days, my kindness is eventually going to be my downfall.