Queen of Swords
Lawd, my lil furchild just started humping for the first time. He's growing up. 
Time to get him snipped

Time to get him snipped

If only I could grow the booty without the gut. Gotta eat more plants, less carbs.You growing some booty meats back there
I posted her instagram@Poitier tell me when you find out![]()
Okay guys. I need to rant. and I need advice.
I'm so fukking tired of my restaurant job. I'm doing p[art of the server's job (bussing tables) and tbh, it wouldnt be so fukking bad if they (servers) tipped me for cleaning up their mess. (since they don't want to do it).
I talked to the managers about it, but they wereabout it.
second, They now having me work at nights. I don't like working nights (I walk from work to home and vice versa). and I feel very unsafe. I told them I preferred to work in the mornings. I told them that prior to hiring me. But they disregarded that as well.
I think I'm actually gonna just fukking quit. I don't have anything backed up. But I'm just so fukking tired, weary, and fukking tired of the disrespect. from employees and sometimes customers alike.
I talked to my grams about it and she said she understood if I quit, But Im still on the fence about it.
The one thing i will miss is...the little money (like real little...i was lucky to even pay my phone bill) that i did get and helping out grams (like, im not even kidding when i say real little guys)
But I feel so very stressed out. I feel like I'm a slave..literally.
idk what to do ...well, i kinda do. But I'm just....
TLDR: I want to quit my job due to basically being treated like a slave, have nothing backed up. but all i want is a peace of mind. idk what to do. HELP!
I think a couple of people here are about ten seconds from quitting their jobs. Sometimes enough is enough!Okay guys. I need to rant. and I need advice.
I'm so fukking tired of my restaurant job. I'm doing p[art of the server's job (bussing tables) and tbh, it wouldnt be so fukking bad if they (servers) tipped me for cleaning up their mess. (since they don't want to do it).
I talked to the managers about it, but they wereabout it.
second, They now having me work at nights. I don't like working nights (I walk from work to home and vice versa). and I feel very unsafe. I told them I preferred to work in the mornings. I told them that prior to hiring me. But they disregarded that as well.
I think I'm actually gonna just fukking quit. I don't have anything backed up. But I'm just so fukking tired, weary, and fukking tired of the disrespect. from employees and sometimes customers alike.
I talked to my grams about it and she said she understood if I quit, But Im still on the fence about it.
The one thing i will miss is...the little money (like real little...i was lucky to even pay my phone bill) that i did get and helping out grams (like, im not even kidding when i say real little guys)
But I feel so very stressed out. I feel like I'm a slave..literally.
idk what to do ...well, i kinda do. But I'm just....
TLDR: I want to quit my job due to basically being treated like a slave, have nothing backed up. but all i want is a peace of mind. idk what to do. HELP!
Is it required for you to do the server's job? Or is it just something you do to make your job easier? If it's the latter, I wouldn't do it and give them a dose of their own medicine. If the managers react to you not being able to sit people faster, tell them you are unable to do so because the servers aren't doing their job. I wouldn't clean sh*t if the servers are unappreciative.
As for working late nights, I can understand.
Sounds like you need a new job. I would be careful about quitting before having anything lined up because sometimes jobs are hard to come by, even retail and f&b jobs- due to the amount of competition out there. I would start looking for a new job pronto before quitting. And when you do decide to leave, put in two weeks. Therefore, you have work history on your resume and a reference if you need one.
If things get worse, just quit. It's not worth your health and sanity. There are temp services- temp banquet server jobs that you can do to put a little money in your pocket while you're looking for a main gig. People should be looking for banquet servers because spring (wedding season, plus other events) is when the banquet business start picking up.
Good luck. I hope things workout
I think a couple of people here are about ten seconds from quitting their jobs. Sometimes enough is enough!
On Tuesday I thought taking my technician jacket off and just walking out of my second job.... but I thought about all the things that I wouldn't be able to do without that money so I'm sucking it up and continuing to work there.
You don't realize how disrespectful people are until you work with the public.... but as you said most of the time its not the customers its your co-workers that are mad disrespectful.
Do you what you feel is right and what you are comfortable with. I'm not gonna tell you to walk out of your job tomorrow, but if push comes to shove chuck up the dueces!
Her body is perfect and she's so pretty!
Look at those teeth!! Omg babies laughing brings me so much joy![]()