Passed the hardest test of my life
I was amped up on anxiety, supplements coffee and a cookie. No Adderall
I was so nervous I wanted to throw up. There were seven of us and I was the only female. I was the only one to pass too LMFAO
I swore I was going to have a mental breakdown in the middle of the assessment because 90% of the test is audio where you have to listen to both the question and the answer only once. Can't take notes either. It got to the point where I literally
But I told myself to snap out of it and concentrate. Every section had a time limit so you didn't have to luxury to think too much. Comprehension and being quick on your toes was key. I don't want to go through the stress of anticipating this kind of test ever again.

I was amped up on anxiety, supplements coffee and a cookie. No Adderall

I was so nervous I wanted to throw up. There were seven of us and I was the only female. I was the only one to pass too LMFAO
I swore I was going to have a mental breakdown in the middle of the assessment because 90% of the test is audio where you have to listen to both the question and the answer only once. Can't take notes either. It got to the point where I literally
But I told myself to snap out of it and concentrate. Every section had a time limit so you didn't have to luxury to think too much. Comprehension and being quick on your toes was key. I don't want to go through the stress of anticipating this kind of test ever again.