Girl i don't give two shyts about people online not liking me. Boo-hoo someone online does not want to be my friend. Take your bad e-thug self somewhere else. It's obvious that you are someone's alias you punk ass bytch.
No one said that, bird brain. Of course, you don't care about females not liking you. You came here for male attention because you obviously lack it in real life. How does it feel to be spineless? To have a puppeteer? To have a battery in your back?
How does it feel to throw away logic and reason to gain daps and compliments from sexless, Elliot Rodgers type of men on a forum?
Who's an e-thug? You gained notoriety for popping shyt at female posters. You were asking Colicat to meet you in Miami Gardens
But I'm an e-thug, dimwit?
Naw, bytch I have e-history on here, I'm no alias.
@Poitier can confirm that.
bytch, we on the Internet. There's no such thing as a punk ass bytch, bytch.
Ugly ass, low self esteem hoe. It's 2016 and you're still wearing synthetic weave.
Really funny since most of the dudes you cape for hates hair hats.
What? You don't love your natural hair?
What guys don't show you no love? You had to resort to being a panderer on a forum?
Pathetic bytch!