The show has entirely too many storylines going on at the same time. It’s rather difficult to take the Tejada family serious when the writers have failed to properly devote time show the layers/hierarchy of their organization. That’s what I miss about the original Power series. The side characters this season are just falling flat.
Also Tasha is on trial, but the stakes just don’t feel high enough with everything else going on in the show. It’s supposed to be the main focus of the season, but literally just feels like side content to fill time. I’m curious as to see how 2-Bit finds a way to get in touch with Tommy and relays information which I would assume will bring him back into the fold before the season ends.
the Tasha storyline is basically not even needed since Monet is basically the anti-Tasha who Tasha wished she could be. Gonna be interesting watching her son Tasha like one of her kids lol
But this show could’ve been all-Tariq fukkery with no Tasha and have her be a guest star or literally be in jail forever waiting for an appeal.
Right now you got a lot going on here
- Tariq pushing pills and weed
- Tariq being a student
- Tariq juggling two chicks
- Tariq partnering with Lorenzo and Monet
Then the other shyt
- Gay ass Dru
- Davis being a shady lawyer
- The two professors basically are sex addicts
- a star bball player who we never see yet he’s NBA material lol
- Saxe being slimy as ever
- Saxe’s niece being Holly 2.0 but in a whole other way
- Diana and Lauren mini Cold War brewing and Tariq not even clapping them cheeks lol